How Long After Mating Do Parakeets Lay Eggs?

When I started to pet parakeets, one of the things I was most excited about was seeing my birds mate and lay eggs. But how long after they breed would I expect them to lay eggs?

After all, I had heard that some birds take longer than others to produce fertile eggs. I set out on my journey of research and experimentation to find out the answer for myself.

The time between mating and egg laying for parakeets depends on several factors, like the specific species and their living conditions. However, on average, parakeets typically lay eggs within 24 to 48 hours after mating. Some parakeets may lay eggs as soon as 24 hours after mating, while others may take as long as 72 hours.

In this article, I will share what I learned about how long after mating parakeets lay eggs, as well as some tips on successful egg production from my experience.

How Long After Mating Do Parakeets Lay Eggs
How Long After Mating Do Parakeets Lay Eggs

Symptoms Of Laying Eggs of Parakeets

Certain signs and behaviors indicate when a parakeet is ready to lay eggs. The most common symptom of a parakeet that is about to lay eggs is like:

1. Vocalization

They will increase vocalizations, especially after dark. They will start from chirping to squawking and usually last several hours.

2. Nesting behavior

Female parakeets will become more interested in building a nest or finding a suitable nesting area. They will also start collecting nesting materials, such as

  • String
  • Paper shreds
  • Feathers

and placing them into their cage or nesting box. She will also spend more time inside the nesting box than usual.

3. Increased aggression

Female parakeets may become more territorial and aggressive towards other birds or people near their nesting area. She will also start exhibiting territorial behaviors, such as chasing other birds away from the cage or chasing her reflection in a mirror.

4. Collect food

Another indication is that she will begin regurgitating food for her potential chicks. She will eat food, then bring it up and chew it before feeding it to herself or the male parakeet to prepare for the chicks’ arrival.

5. Swelling of the vent

She can experience swelling in the area around their vent, the opening through which they lay eggs. That typically occurs shortly before egg-laying.

6. Change in posture

Female parakeets may adopt a crouched position, with their tail feathers held up and their head down. That is a position they assume to lay eggs.

The Process of Laying Egg of Parakeet

The Process of Laying Egg of Parakeet
The Process of Laying Egg of Parakeet

Laying eggs in parakeets is a complex and fascinating process involving several stages, including ovulation, fertilization, and egg laying. Understanding these stages can help bird owners better care for their parakeets and ensure successful breeding.

1. Ovulation

The first stage of the egg-laying process is ovulation. That is when the female parakeet’s ovaries produce eggs that release into the oviduct. The timing of ovulation can vary depending on the species of parakeet and the conditions in which you are keeping them. However, on average, parakeets ovulate once every 24 to 48 hours.

2. Fertilization

Once the eggs are released into the oviduct, they are fertilized by sperm from the male parakeet. That typically occurs within 24 to 48 hours after mating. Fertilized eggs will develop into embryos and eventually hatch into chicks, while unfertilized eggs will not.

3. Egg Laying

Once the egg is fertilized, it travels through the oviduct, coated with layers of albumen, a protective protein, and a calcium carbonate shell. She will lay the egg through the vent, the opening. Parakeets can lay eggs every other day so that they can lay eggs in 4-5 days.

4. Incubation

After laying eggs, the female parakeet will typically incubate them for about 18 to 23 days before they hatch. She will keep the eggs warm and humid during this time and rotate them regularly to incubate them evenly. The male parakeet also helps with incubation by taking turns sitting on the eggs.

But, all parakeets will not show the same behavior or have the same breeding cycle. Some parakeets lay eggs even when they don’t have a mate, but these eggs will be infertile.

Therefore, provide a suitable environment and diet for the parakeet and provide them with a mate if you wish to breed them. And also, the eggs will require proper care and incubation to hatch successfully.

Why Won’t My Parakeets Lay Eggs?

It is frustrating when your parakeets won’t lay eggs. But it is a sign that something is preventing them from doing so. A lack of nutritious food, improper lighting, and stress are some of the reasons why parakeets may not lay eggs.

1. Age

Parakeets typically reach sexual maturity at around 6 to 12 months. If a parakeet pair is younger than this, they may still need to be ready to lay eggs.

2. Lack of privacy

Parakeets need privacy to lay eggs. If they feel threatened or stressed, they may not lay eggs. Ensure the nesting area is away from busy spots in your home and that they are not disturbed while trying to lay their eggs.

3. Lack of a mate

Parakeets need a mate to lay eggs. They may only lay eggs if they have a mate or the male is fertile.

4. Temperature

Temperature is also a factor. If your parakeets are uncomfortable with the temperature in their environment, this can also affect their ability and willingness to lay eggs.

Usually, parakeets prefer temperatures around 65-75°F. Don’t forget to provide a heat source if the temperature drops at night or during the winter.

5. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can prevent parakeets from laying eggs. That can be caused by a lack of specific vitamins and minerals in the diet or by stress.

6. Diseases and infections

Common diseases and infections can also prevent parakeets from laying eggs. Suppose the bird has respiratory infections, bacterial illnesses, and internal parasites; it may not lay eggs.

7. Lack of a suitable nesting site

Parakeets need a suitable nesting site to lay eggs. They may not lay eggs if they don’t have a nest or if the nest is not appropriate.

Ensure you provide nesting boxes for them. So they feel safe while breeding and laying eggs. Also, ensure that the nesting box has an opening large enough for both parents to enter easily and good lining material such as straw or grass clippings inside it for insulation purposes.

8. Nutritional deficiencies

Parakeets need plenty of nutrition to produce healthy eggs. A diet that lacks specific vitamins and minerals can affect her ability to produce eggs.

Deficiencies in calcium, vitamin D3, and vitamin A are common causes of laying problems. So, provide your birds with a balanced diet with high-quality seeds, nuts, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

9. Environmental factors

Parakeets need a certain amount of sunlight to lay eggs and maintain their overall health. Sunlight is essential for synthesizing vitamin D3, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium, and in turn, for the proper formation of eggshells.

Wild parakeets breed during spring and summer when light levels increase. Mimicking this natural cycle in captivity can help encourage egg-laying in your pet birds.

You must provide parakeets with access to natural sunlight or use a full-spectrum light bulb that mimics natural sunlight for at least 10-12 hours a day.

10. Stress level

Stress is another factor that can prevent parakeets from laying eggs. If your birds feel threatened or uncomfortable in their environment, they will not lay eggs.

To reduce stress levels, ensure your pet birds have plenty of hiding places and areas where they can fly freely without feeling overcrowded or trapped. Additionally, avoid handling them too much, as this can make them anxious or frightened.

Therefore, if your parakeets are not laying eggs, check to see if all the above conditions are. If not, take the necessary steps to address them. That will help ensure your parakeets are healthy and successful in laying eggs.

How Do I Get My Parakeets to Lay Eggs?

All parakeets will not lay eggs, and sometimes, even with all the right conditions, they may not. Here are a few things you can do to encourage your parakeets to lay eggs:

  • Provide a suitable nesting area: Parakeets need a quiet, private place to lay their eggs. A nest box or breeding cage with a nest bowl or material is essential for them to build a nest.
  • Provide a balanced diet: A healthy diet high in protein and calcium is necessary for parakeets to lay eggs. Offer a variety of seeds, fruits, and vegetables and supplement with calcium-rich food like cuttlebone.
  • Create a suitable environment: Make sure your parakeets have enough daylight, around 14 hours. Keep the temperature at around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity between 50-60%.
  • Provide a suitable mate: Parakeets are social birds and prefer to breed in pairs. If you have only one parakeet, consider getting a mate.
  • Wait for the right time: Parakeets are seasonal breeders and typically lay eggs in the spring or summer. Be patient and wait for the right time of the year for them to breed.
  • Avoid stress: Keep the environment calm and avoid handling the birds too much during the breeding season.

How Do You Care for A Parakeet Egg?

Once Parakeets have mated, and a female is ready to lay an egg, you must take proper care to ensure its safe hatching. Give proper attention to temperature, humidity, and sanitation to ensure the egg hatches successfully. Here are some guidelines for caring for a parakeet egg:

1. Nesting box

Fill the nesting box with soft material, such as wood shavings or shredded paper. So that the eggs can rest comfortably and securely inside. The eggs may get lost if the nesting box is small or too big.

2. Temperature

The ideal temperature for incubating parakeet eggs is 99-101 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use an incubator or place the egg in a warm house area, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

To further help regulate temperature, place a heating pad underneath the nest box set at low-medium heat. Monitor the eggs regularly for signs of mold or other damage, which can cause illness for parakeet chicks when they hatch.

3. Humidity

Since the eggshell is porous, provide humidity in the nesting area by misting daily with lukewarm water. That will help keep them from drying out while they are incubating.

4. Sanitation

Keeping the egg clean and free from bacteria and debris is essential. Use a clean and dry cloth to gently wipe the egg before placing it in the incubator.

Dispose of any damaged eggs immediately and thoroughly clean and disinfect the nest box before adding more eggs.

5. Avoid stress

To avoid stressing out your birds during incubation, handle them slightly and minimize noise levels around their cage.

6. Extra food

Also, provide extra food and water for both parents during this time. So they don’t become stressed out from lack of nourishment.

Also, keep a close eye on them for signs of disease or parasites that could harm their development into adulthood.

7. Incubation period

The incubation period for parakeet eggs is typically 18-21 days. It is essential to monitor the eggs during this time and note any changes in appearance or development.

8. Hatchling care

Once the egg hatches, provide the hatchling with proper care. Provide a warm and humid environment, a diet high in protein and calcium, and regular veterinary check-ups.

Once your parakeets have hatched their chicks, monitor their health closely until they are fully grown feathered adults.


How many eggs does a parakeet usually lay?

Parakeets typically lay between 2-8 eggs per clutch (a set of eggs laid at one time), but some birds can lay as many as 12 eggs. They will lay eggs in intervals of 1-3 days, and the eggs will hatch after 18-21 days of incubation.

How do I know if my parakeet has an egg stuck?

If your parakeet has an egg stuck, she will strain, fluffed-up feathers, or vocalize to show signs of discomfort or distress. She will also have a swollen or distended abdomen. If you suspect your bird is egg-bound, immediately seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Do budgies always lay eggs after mating?

Not all parakeets will lay eggs after mating. Some parakeets can lay eggs even if they don’t have a mate or if the mate is not fertile. Age, diet, and overall bird health can affect their ability to lay eggs.

What do I do with my parakeet egg?

After laying eggs, you should incubate them in a warm and humid area. Keep the temperature between 99-101 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity between 50-60%. Turn the eggs at least twice a day during incubation.

If you need the proper equipment or experience to incubate the eggs, it is best to consult an avian veterinarian or an experienced breeder. If the eggs are not fertilized or not viable, it’s best to dispose of them.


Generally, parakeets are capable of laying eggs after mating. You can identify the process of laying eggs by the symptoms that follow. If your parakeets don’t lay eggs, try to understand why and how you can encourage them to do so.

If you need clarification on the eggs or want to breed parakeets, it’s best to consult an avian veterinarian or an experienced breeder. With the proper care and attention, your parakeets will have a great chance of successfully hatching and raising their young.

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