How Long Does It Take To Tame A Parakeet?

Parakeets are known for their lively personalities, intelligence, and ability to form strong bonds with their human companions. These lively and colorful birds make great pets. But before you take the plunge, it’s important to know how long it takes to tame one.

Understanding the taming process is critical to building a strong bond with your feathered friend, whether a first-time bird owner or a seasoned pro.

In this article, we’ll explore how long it takes to tame a parakeet, different ways to get them to bond with you, as well as tips for making sure your new feathered friend feels safe and secure. Read on to learn all you need to know about taming a parakeet.

How Long Does It Take to Tame a Parakeet?

Taming a parakeet can take anywhere from a few days to several months. It depends on the individual bird and the methods used. Parakeets are highly social creatures, and they have a strong urge to be around other birds or humans.

You must handle and socialize them regularly to build trust and become comfortable with their new environment. It would help if you also had to be patient and consistent during the taming process.

How Long Does It Take To Tame A Parakeet
A parakeet seat on hand

What Is the Fastest Way to Tame a Parakeet?

Taming a parakeet is exciting if you know the best methods to do so quickly and safely.

The fastest way to tame a parakeet is to hand-feed them.

  1. Sit quietly with your parakeet in the same room and offer them treats from your hands.
  2. Start with small treats like millet or cut-up fruits and veggies, then move on to larger items like nuts or seeds as they become more comfortable around you.
  3. After a few days of hand-feeding, you can move on to touching their head and chest gently with your finger.
  4. That will help them get used to being handled, making it easier for them to interact with you in the future.
  5. As you proceed through this process, try not to make sudden movements that could startle your bird, as this could lead to trust issues down the line.
  6. With patience and consistency, you should start seeing progress within a week or two.

How Long Does It Take to Hand Train A Parakeet?

Hand-taming a parakeet can take days to weeks or even months, depending on the individual bird. Remember that each bird has its own personality and learning curve. The most important factor in hand-taming is the time, patience, and consistency you are willing to put in.

1. Creating the Environment

The first step is creating a comfortable environment for your parakeet and encouraging it to feel safe around you. You must spend time near the cage and allow your parakeet to gradually get used to your presence rather than forcing it into close contact too quickly. You can also offer treats through the cage’s bars as a reward when it shows signs of curiosity or comfort around you.

2. Time to Finger Train

Once your parakeet starts showing signs of comfort around you, such as chirping more often or hopping closer toward you, it is time to start taking steps toward hand taming.

Start by holding a finger for your bird to step on willingly. Never force them onto your finger. Giving small treats regularly while they are on your finger can help them learn that you will reward them for this behavior.

3. Move Them Away from the Cage

After they become accustomed to stepping onto your finger, start slowly moving them away from their cage (with caution). Ensure you stay within a reasonable range of reach of their cage at any time. Try not to scare them with sudden movements or loud noises.

4. Give Them a Command

Once your bird gets comfortable with being out of its cage for short periods with you, start teaching it simple commands. You can start with “step up” or “come” repeatedly. Each time they obey your command, reward them with treats.

5. Repeat the Process

It takes patience to tame them. With consistent training and positive reinforcement over weeks or months, eventually, your parakeet will become tame enough that it will happily come out of its cage without fear. It will also sit on your shoulder without trying to escape.

How Do You Get a Parakeet to Bond with You?

If you can build trust and familiarity between you and the parakeet, you can make a successful bond. Depending on how comfortable the bird is in their new environment, this can take some time.

Regular Interaction

The best way to bond with a parakeet is through regular interaction. When you first bring your parakeet home, spend at least an hour with them outside their cage each day.

Speak softly and calmly to them as you move around the room. They will get used to your presence and observe your behavior without feeling threatened.

Once they show signs of comfort, such as vocalizing, preening, or jumping from perch to perch, reward them with a light scratch around their neck or head area.

Giving Treats

Another great way to get a parakeet to bond with you is by feeding them treats from your hand. Offer small pieces of fruit or vegetables for them to eat.

As they become more comfortable eating from your hand, gradually move your finger toward their beak. They will eventually associate it with treats and feel safe enough to nibble on it without fear.

How Long Does It Take to Bond with A Parakeet?

Bonding with a parakeet or budgie can take, on average, around 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual bird.

Bonding with a parakeet takes time and patience, just like taming. Bonding is building trust and a deep connection with your pet bird. You must understand the personality of your bird to make a bond.

Try to spend time with your parakeet daily and talk, sing and play with it. Show it love and affection, and ensure it feels safe and comfortable in its environment. Consistency, patience, positive reinforcement, and treats can also speed up the process.

How Do I Get Them to Trust Me Outside of Their Cage?

Parakeets have an innate fear of humans. So, getting your parakeet to trust you inside or outside their cage is not a piece of cake. Start slowly to build up a trusting relationship over time.

The most important thing is to be patient and understanding. Parakeets can take a while to warm up to people; getting them used to you outside of the cage may take time.

It helps to establish a routine for your parakeet, so they know what to expect from you and when. Spend some time each day sitting with your parakeet near their cage, whispering and offering treats as rewards for good behavior.

Once your parakeet becomes comfortable spending time with you, start introducing them to new environments away from the cage.

Put them on a play stand in another room or just outside on a patio or balcony, talking softly and reassuringly as you go along. This will help your parakeet get used to trusting you in different locations around the house or apartment.

Be aware that if your parakeet is scared, it may want to return inside its cage at first, which is normal. You can give them something small, like a towel or shirt that smells like you. They will feel more secure when being handled away from the cage.

The most important thing is, don’t rush. Allow your parakeet plenty of time to adjust before taking them out in unfamiliar locations or around strange people.

By following these steps, your parakeet will soon gain enough trust in you. As a result, they will willingly explore new areas beyond their cage when with you.

How Do You Tame a Scared Parakeet?

Taming a scared parakeet is challenging. But with some patience and understanding, it is possible.

  • The first step is to create a calm, safe environment where the parakeet will feel comfortable and secure.
  • Provide an enclosure that is large enough so they can fly around without feeling trapped. You can play music or have a TV in the background for extra noise.
  • Once this has been established, it’s time to develop trust with your parakeet. Offer treats from your hand, such as millet or vegetables, but only once they are used to you in the same room.
  • Let them come over to the food when they’re ready. Don’t try to force them or make sudden movements that could scare them away.
  • Speak softly when you are near them and try not to look directly at their face (as birds naturally see this as a threat).
  • As your bird becomes more comfortable with you, start scratching around their back and wings.
  • When they accept these, carefully put your finger into their cage so they can become familiar with it.
  • Make sure you move slowly during this process not to overwhelm or scare them away.
  • Depending on how long it takes them to trust you, it may take days or even weeks for your parakeet to become fully tamed.
  • However, if done correctly through patience and kindness, you should eventually succeed.

How Do You Train a Parakeet to Like You?

Training a parakeet to like you requires patience, kindness, and consistency.

  • First, establish trust with your bird. Talk to it without trying to touch it in the beginning. It will get used to your voice and recognize you as its friend.
  • Sing or whistle at it, and ensure the tone is pleasant and not scolding.
  • Offer treats like millet sprays or fruits through the cage bars. Also, allow your bird to watch you while eating.
  • Once your parakeet starts feeling comfortable with you, you can move on to teaching it commands by using positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training.
  • Start by teaching simple parakeet commands like stepping on your finger when asked or coming closer.
  • Reward your bird with treats when it does what you ask for, and ignore any wrong behavior.
  • Consistency, patience, and praise for good behavior will eventually establish a bond of trust between you and your bird.

Remember that this process can vary on factors such as breed, age, or individual personality traits of the bird. Some species are more independent than others. So keep going if the results are slow at first.

How Long Does It Take to Train a Parakeet to Talk?

The time it takes to train a parakeet to talk can vary greatly depending on the individual bird and the methods used. Some parakeets can start to mimic words or phrases within a few weeks, while others may take several months or even longer. 

Generally, parakeets are inclined to mimic human speech, but not all of them will develop the skill to talk. The age of the bird, its sex, and its personality can affect its ability to speak.

It is also important to note that training a parakeet to talk requires significant time and patience. If you speak to them regularly and reward them for their attempts to mimic words or phrases, they can talk earlier than other birds.

How Long Does It Take to Tame a Quaker Parrot?

Generally, taming a Quaker parrot, also known as a Monk parakeet, can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Note that Quaker parrots are stubborn and may take longer to tame if they have been previously mistreated or need to be correctly socialized.

A few tips for successful taming include:

  • Offering lots of positive reinforcement with treats;
  • Speaking calmly and soothingly;
  • Avoiding sudden movements;
  • Never forcing a behavior;
  • Spending plenty of quality time with your parrot outside their cage every day.
  • With patience and consistency, you’ll soon have a tamed Quaker that loves spending time with you.


Are parakeets hard to tame?

Parakeets, also known as budgerigars or budgies, are relatively easy to tame compared to other birds. However, taming a parakeet can still take time and patience. Taming a parakeet involves building trust and establishing a bond between the bird and you.

Can parakeets be too old to tame?

Parakeets can be too old to fully tame, as their behavior and temperament can become set in their ways as they age. However, even older parakeets can still learn to trust and bond with you, but it may take longer and more patience to do so.

Taming an older parakeet will require consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. If an older parakeet has had negative experiences in the past, it can make them skittish and harder to tame.

But with patience and a gentle approach, it may be possible to establish a bond with an older parakeet.

Why does my budgie not listen after weeks?

Several reasons your budgie may not be listening to you after weeks of taming efforts. Some possible reasons include the following:

Lack of consistency: If you are not spending regular and consistent time with your budgie, it may not be forming a strong bond with you.

Fear or mistrust: If your budgie has had negative experiences, it may hesitate to trust or bond with you. Negative experiences can include mishandling, shouting at, or not being given enough attention.

Incorrect training techniques: If you’re using punishment as a training method, your budgie may be hesitant to obey you. Positive reinforcement methods, such as offering treats and praise, are more effective for training budgies.

Health issues: Budgies that are not feeling well may not have the energy or desire to interact or train.
Be patient and consistent with your budgie, and try understanding the bird’s behavior and needs. Create a positive and comfortable environment, and avoid negative reinforcement methods.

If the problem persists, it might be a good idea to consult with an avian veterinarian or an avian behaviorist.


Bonding with your parakeet is an important part of taming them and requires patience and trust. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can establish a strong bond with your feathered friend and enjoy the companionship of a well-tamed parakeet.

Remember, it’s not just about taming the bird; it’s about creating a lifelong friendship with your pet parakeet. Happy taming!

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