How to Bond with Parakeets?

Parakeets, also known as budgies, are small, social birds that make great pets. Bonding with a parakeet is important because it establishes trust and security between you and your bird. A bonded parakeet will be comfortable around you, interact with you, and be more relaxed in your presence.

To bond with your parakeet, you should spend time interacting with it daily. You should talk to your bird, offer it treats and provide it with toys and activities to keep it entertained. Also, establish a routine for your parakeet, such as feeding and playing with it.

You can build a strong bond with your parakeet and enjoy many happy years together with patience and consistency. Here you will know every detail about how to bond with parakeets from my real-life experience.

How to Bond with Parakeets
How to Bond with Parakeets

Why Bonding With A Parakeet Is Important?

A strong bond between you and your parakeet will ensure they feel secure, safe, and loved around you. Bonding encourages positive behavior and helps you to understand your bird’s needs and preferences.

Also, bonding with your parakeet can bring many benefits, like:

  • It will increase happiness and well-being for both you and your bird.
  • You can understand your bird’s behavior and needs.
  • You can train your bird more effectively.
  • It will bring a deeper appreciation and enjoyment of your pet.
  • The bond with your pet can last for many years.

Building Trust With A Parakeet

Bonding with a parakeet begins with trust-building. It takes time, so please be patient as you start. Spend time with it daily, be consistent, avoid sudden movements, speak softly, provide a safe and comfortable environment, give them time, and show them affection.

Here are a few ways to help a parakeet trust you:

  • Spend time with your bird: Spend time with your parakeet every day, talk to it, offer treats and provide it with toys and activities.
  • Be consistent: Establish a routine for your parakeet, such as feeding and playing with it daily. It will help them to trust that you will be there for them.
  • Avoid sudden movements: Parakeets can be scared easily. So move slowly and avoid sudden movements around them.
  • Speak softly and gently: Use a soft and gentle tone when talking to your bird and try to avoid loud noises.
  • Provide a safe and comfortable environment: Ensure that your bird’s cage is large enough and has plenty of toys and perches to keep it entertained.
  • Show them affection: Offer your bird gentle petting, scratches, and treats when they approach you. Also, physically interact by gently grooming or petting them while perched on your finger or shoulder.
  • Play with them: Try introducing toys that allow your bird to exercise its natural curiosity – puzzles are often a favorite.
  • Give them time: Building trust with a parakeet takes time, so be patient and don’t rush the process.

Another important step in building trust is frequently allowing the bird out of its cage.

  • Securely close all windows and doors before releasing them from the cage. So it can’t escape while out of its cage.
  • Be careful not to startle or frighten the parakeet during these times. That can damage your ability to build trust with it.
  • Talk softly but firmly when interacting with it. That will let it know that it doesn’t have anything to fear from you.

How Can You Build Trust with a Stressed Parakeet?

Building trust with a stressed parakeet takes time and patience. Be patient, and don’t force the bird to interact with you. Here are some tips based on my experience that may help:

Give them space: Don’t handle too much to a stressed parakeet. They will feel uncomfortable. Give them plenty of space and time to adjust to their new surroundings. Allow them to explore their cage and perches before interacting with them.

Show your face regularly: Come to their cage and show your face to them regularly. Meanwhile, talk softly and put a finger through the cage bar. In this way, they will know your face, and they will start to trust you.

Take them to your palm:

  1. If they don’t show any sign of trust, take them to your palm softly.
  2. Don’t force or yell at them.
  3. Take a towel to your hand and grab them softly.
  4. Pat their head and neck with your thumb. 
  5. Whisper until they calm down.

Give treats:

  1. After they become relaxed and calm, place them in the cage.
  2. Remember to treat them to their favorite food.
  3. Offer small treats such as millet or fruit to encourage them to come closer to you.

Regularly doing this, it will eventually become calm and begin to trust you.

How Long Does It Take to Bond with a Parakeet?

It typically takes 6-12 weeks for a parakeet to bond with its owner. However, this depends on the bird’s individual personality and previous experiences. Some birds bond more quickly, while others take longer.

If you’re welcoming a new parakeet into your home, remember that it will need some extra time to adjust to its new environment.

As long as they don’t appear scared or stressed out during the transition process, provide them with plenty of toys and keep them comfortable.

Parakeets have different personalities from humans, so understanding what activities bring pleasure to each bird will help build the bond between you both even further.

Closely observe how they react when you give them different food items or toys. Also, recognize whether they prefer alone playtime over the company. This knowledge will come in handy later down the road when planning socialization opportunities for multiple birds.

Interacting and Playing With A Parakeet

By interacting and playing with your parakeet, you will know how it behaves and what it likes and doesn’t like. After that, you can use that knowledge to create a strong bond between you.

When you first bring your parakeet home, take some time to observe it in its new environment. That will allow you to get familiar with the sounds or movements it makes when feeling comfortable or uncomfortable. As soon as you feel confident, you can start interacting with your bird.

How to Play with a Parakeet?

Interacting with a parakeet involves spending time with the bird, talking to it, and offering treats. If you interact daily, it will help the parakeet become comfortable with you. Approach the bird calmly and quietly to avoid startling it.

When playing with a parakeet, it’s best to do so on the bird’s level. Sit or kneel on the floor next to the cage rather than towering over the bird. That will make the bird feel more comfortable and less threatened.

Games to Play with a Parakeet

  • Treat Tossing: Hide small treats in different parts of the cage and encourage the bird to find them.
  • Target Training: Hold a small treat in front of the bird and slowly move it around. As the bird follows the treat, it will learn to come to you on command.
  • Scavenger Hunt: Hide small toys around the cage or room and encourage the bird to find them.
  • Peek-a-Boo: Cover the bird with a small towel and then uncover it, saying, “Peek-a-boo!” This game can help the bird to become more comfortable with new objects.
  • Matching Game: Provide the bird with various colored blocks and encourage it to match the colors.

How Long Does it Take to Play with a Parakeet?

It depends on the individual bird and the games you play with the parakeet. Some parakeets enjoy playing for a long time, while others may prefer shorter sessions. But you should spend at least 15-30 minutes playing with your parakeet daily.

It’s best to start with shorter play sessions and gradually increase the duration as the bird becomes more comfortable. You should regularly play with your parakeet. It will build a strong bond and provide mental and physical stimulation for the bird.

How to Get a Parakeet to Adjust to a New Home?

Moving to a new home is a stressful experience for parakeets, just like humans. Before transportation, always cover the cage with a piece of cloth. It will prevent them from getting tensed and hyper.

After bringing it into a new environment, give them time and patience to get used to its surroundings. The best way to do this is to create a safe place for the parakeet where they feel comfortable and secure. Place the cage in a not-so-noisy and full of air and sunlight room.

Make sure the cage or aviary the parakeet is in is big enough for them to move around and explore. Put some of their favorite toys or objects inside the cell, such as perches or hanging swings. Also, provide plenty of fresh food and water daily and clean their droppings when necessary.

Parakeet Behavior and Preferences

Parakeets require a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Proper care, a balanced diet, fresh water, clean living conditions, regular interaction, and playtime will ensure their happiness and good health.

They have a variety of behaviors and preferences that are specific to their species.

  • Social behavior: Parakeets are highly social birds and enjoy the company of other parakeets or humans. They can become quite affectionate with their owners.
  • Playful behavior: Parakeets are naturally curious and active birds. They enjoy playing with toys and exploring their environment. They also enjoy climbing and perching on different structures.
  • Grooming behavior: Parakeets are fastidious groomers and spend a lot of time preening and cleaning their feathers. That is an important part of their daily routine. So, provide them with a clean environment and fresh water.
  • Feeding behavior: Parakeets are opportunistic feeders and enjoy a varied diet that includes seeds, fruits, vegetables, and pellets. They also like to forage and will enjoy toys that allow them to do so.
  • Nesting behavior: Parakeets have a strong instinct to nest and breed. They will seek a suitable place to build their nest and lay eggs if provided with a nest box.
  • Noise level: Parakeets are quite vocal. They will chirp, whistle, and make other sounds to communicate. They can be pretty loud sometimes, especially when excited or feeling threatened.

How to Bond With Multiple Parakeets?

If you have more than one parakeet, bonding with them requires extra effort and patience. Here are some tips on how to bond with multiple parakeets:

Introduce the birds to each other slowly.

When introducing multiple parakeets to each other, it’s essential to take it slow. Start by placing their cages next to each other to see and hear each other, but not touch. Gradually, over time, you can begin to introduce them to each other under supervision.

Provide a comfortable environment

Make sure each parakeet has enough space in their cage and is comfortable and clean. That will help them feel secure and at ease in their surroundings.

Spend time with each bird individually

Take the time to interact with each parakeet individually. Offer them treats, play, and talk to them. That will help each bird feel more comfortable with you and develop a bond.

Provide plenty of toys and activities

Parakeets are naturally curious and playful birds. Giving them many toys and activities can help keep them entertained and stimulated.

Train them together

Train them together to create a bond. They will learn to work together and rely on each other. You can do it through simple training exercises such as target training, trick training, and clicker training.

Be consistent

Be consistent in bonding with multiple parakeets. Set aside time daily to interact with them, and stick to a regular routine.

Be patient

Bonding with multiple parakeets takes time and patience. So keep going even if it doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient and give the birds time to adjust to each other.


What are some signs that my parakeet is bonding with me?

Some signs that your parakeet is bonding with you are:

1. The parakeet will come to you when you call its name or whistle.
2. It will become more relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
3. It will start to preen you or allow you to pat it.
4. Over time, it will begin to mimic your words or actions.
5. It will begin to respond to your commands.
6. The parakeet will start to show excitement or joy when you come home.

What are some common misconceptions about bonding with parakeets?

There are many funny misconceptions about parakeets. Some are:

Parakeets can bond only with one person: Not true. Parakeets bond with multiple people and can have different bond levels with different people.

Parakeets bond only with people who feed them: Not true. Food is essential, but it’s not the only factor in bonding. Parakeets bond with people who spend time with them, interact with and train them.

Parakeets can bond only when they are young: Not true. Age doesn’t matter in making a bond. Parakeets can connect at any age, but older parakeets may take more time and patience.

How often should I interact with my parakeet to maintain a strong bond?

Spend at least 15-30 minutes per day interacting with your parakeet. That can include playing with toys, training, and talking to the bird.
Be consistent with your interactions and stick to a regular routine to help maintain the bond.


Bonding with parakeets is vital in ensuring your pet bird is healthy and happy. By building trust with your parakeet,

  • Interacting and playing with them.
  • Understanding their behavior and preferences.
  • Helping them to adjust to a new home.

You can create a strong bond between you and your beloved pet.

Don’t forget to look for other parakeet articles on this site. Feel free to ask a question and discuss your beloved bird.

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