7 Ways How to Pick a Good Parakeet for You

Everyone knows that parakeets are pretty pet-friendly. Everyone wants to pick a good parakeet from a pet store. That means having a healthy one.

If you’re a beginner or owner of a flock at home, you will certainly want a healthy parakeet. Because if you get a healthy one, it will be much easier to care for. Plus, it won’t infect your flock with diseases.

7 Ways to Pick a Good Parakeet

How to Pick a Good Parakeet
How to Pick a Good Parakeet

Choosing a healthy bird is challenging. So it’s important to do your research. There are a few things to consider to pick a good parakeet. It includes size, variety, color, personality, health condition, raising environment, large cage, plenty of toys, and a healthy diet.

Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect parakeet for you. Consult a trainer or experienced avian breeder before making any decisions.

1. Find A Clean and Caring Pet Store

The first step is to find a clean and caring pet store before adopting a new pet. Not only can you see the store in pristine condition, but you’ll also be sure that the parrots there are healthy and vaccinated against common diseases.

  • Always ask the seller questions about the bird’s health, behavior, feeding habit, and training.
  • Make sure that the pet store you’re going to get it from is taking good care of its budgies.
  • Is the cage clean or not? Try to pick a parrot from a clean cage. Because you can choose a healthy parrot from it.
  • Is it a frosty or overcrowded cage? Pick a bird from a cage where parakeets have enough space to fly.
  • Are the food bowls and water feeders clean? If it’s not, they may contain germs.
  • Find a healthy-looking budgie.

2. Check for Clear Eyes

One of the most important things you should do when looking for a pet is to ensure the bird has clear eyes. That means there is no discharge, and the pupil is equal in size. There should be no water discharge or crust around those budgie’s eyes.

3. Check the Beak Area

This part of the bird’s body is crucial as it helps reduce the risk of injury. If your parakeet has a curved or bent beak, it will be more prone to biting and injuring you.

Furthermore, ensure that the bird’s beak is pink and not green or blue – these colors indicate that the bird is healthy and strong enough to survive on its own. There shouldn’t be any blood clots or a crusted appearance on the beak’s surroundings.

4. Check Their Health

Next, check for any health issues such as malnutrition or infection. Pay attention to that particular bird you choose. Is it getting enough nutrition? Which veterinarian takes care of that? Try to consult with that vent. Try to take enough info about its health and habit.

5. Look for clean feet

Make sure the bird has clean feet. A healthy budgie’s feet are smooth and soft. This means they’re not picking up any dirt or other debris. Birds with dirty feet are more likely to contract illnesses due to their contact with contaminated surfaces.

A budgie could have scaly mites if you detect an odd covering of thick, crusted skin on its feet or if it scratches with its feet for an extended time. However, older birds’ feet can appear scalier. But that is not a health issue.

6. Check the feathers

Always try to pick a parakeet with shiny and sleek feathers and a long tail feather. Healthy parakeets always clean their feathers and tail. It’s important to check the bird’s feathers for mites, lice, damage, or a dirty vent.

If you find any of these, the bird will need to go under treatment or rehome. Young birds still learning to clean that area can have a dirty vent. Also, parakeets with clean feathers will be more active and healthy overall.

7. Pick an active budgie or parakeet

Budgies are playful creatures. They love to play with toys with their flock. They play together and like to take a nap together. It’s an excellent way to spot whether the budgie is healthy.

A sick budgie will be sleepy, quiet, and puffed up. It won’t play with its flock and will sit in one corner of the cage. So, if you spot one sitting in a corner, avoid it.

Know Before Choosing a Parakeet

Know Before Choosing a Parakeet
Know Before Choosing a Parakeet

It’s worth the effort to choose a perfect parakeet. You can buy a male, a female, or a baby budgie from a pet store. But the requirements of adults and pellets are different.

Their caring method, cage size, etc., will be different. So, consider what you should know before buying a single bird.

Choosing a Baby Parakeet

Choosing the right baby parakeet takes work. But with the help of these talking points, it will be much easier.

  • First and foremost, ensure that you get healthy and vaccinated pellets.
  • Then, consider what size bird you are looking for. Baby parakeets come in a variety of sizes, from small to large. 
  • Think about what color you would like your bird to be. There are many different colors of parakeets available, so take your time in making your selection. 
  • Lastly, consider what personality traits you are looking for in a pet bird. Some parakeets are more active and playful than others, so choose the one that best fits your personality and lifestyle.

Choosing a Male Parakeet

When choosing a male parakeet, there are a few things you should be aware of.

  • Make sure the bird is healthy and vaccinated.
  • Consider the bird’s personality traits. Some males are more active than others and may require more space in their cages.
  • Be sure to buy the right size parakeet for your needs. Male parakeets come in various sizes, from small to large birds.
  • Remember color. Many different colors are available so you can find the perfect one for your home.
  • If you are looking for a bird that is more active or has more personality, consider purchasing one of the larger male parakeets available.

Choosing a Female Parakeet

Female parakeets are more likely to be friendly and bond better with their owners, making them great companions for anyone looking for a pet bird. Before purchasing a female parakeet, try to know these things.

  • It is also important that the budgerigar doesn’t have a health issue. A healthy parakeet will be active and has a good temperament.
  • Ensure the parakeet is appropriately groomed, including having its nails clipped and beak cleaned regularly.
  • Female parakeets also come in different sizes, but the most popular size is the medium-sized bird. This size works well for both pet homes and aviaries.
  • They require more attention and care than their male counterparts. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll be rewarded with a loyal and loving companion.

Which is Better: Male or Female Parakeet?

Which is Better: Male or Female Parakeet
You Can Choose Male or Female Parakeet

Choosing the perfect pet requires some research. One of the best ways to do this is by determining the gender of the parakeet you’re interested in.

  • Male parakeets are brighter in color and have a more playful personality. They’re also more active and require more room to play. So, if you’re looking for an active pet, go with a boy parakeet.
  • On the other hand, female parakeets are often calmer and prefer to be the center of attention. They’re also less noisy, require less cleaning, and are suitable for families with small children. Choose a girl parakeet if you want something that’s less noisy and requires less cleaning.

Ultimately, the best way to choose the perfect parakeet for you is to take your time and do your research.

Things to Look For in a Healthy Parakeet

When picking a new pet, parakeets are a popular option. However, before you make the decision, it’s essential to be aware of some critical factors.

  1. The feather will be shiny and clean.
  2. They will have a long, sharp tail without any dirty vents.
  3. Beak will be in proper shape and clean.
  4. Feet will be smooth and don’t have any crusted skin.
  5. They will have clear, fully opened eyes.
  6. The vent will be very clean.
  7. They will breathe quietly.
  8. Nostrils will be clean without any watery points.
  9. They will have all the toes in the right shape.
  10. They will be active and playful.


Which parakeets are friendliest?

People looking for a pet that is easy to handle and doesn’t require much maintenance may be better off with parakeets. Some friendly parakeets include Peruvian Parrots, Love birds, and Conures. On the other hand, if you’re looking for an aviary bird that requires more attention and stimulation than regular house pets do, then macaws or cockatiels may be better options.

How do you pick a friendly budgie?

Picking a friendly budgie is about finding one comfortable with being handled by humans. You should also consider the bird’s age, sex, and health to make an informed decision. The best way to do this is to visit a pet store and observe the budgies. Look for one that is not afraid to come close to you and does not seem uncomfortable when being held.

How can I make sure that my parakeet is healthy and happy?

To ensure that your parakeet is healthy and happy, you should provide it with a nutritious diet, a clean and comfortable cage, and plenty of opportunities to exercise and socialize. 
1. A healthy diet for a parakeet includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality pellet food. 
2. Fresh water should be available at all times. 
3. The cage should be spacious and free of sharp edges or other hazards. 
4. It should also be kept clean, with fresh water and food dishes. 
5. Parakeets need plenty of exercise, so provide them with plenty of toys and perches. 
6. They also enjoy socializing, so keeping more than one parakeet is a good idea.


Parakeets are one of the best pets, and you should know how to pick a good parakeet. The most important thing is that you take your time and spend quality time with the bird to find one that feels comfortable with you.

Before you make the decision, be sure to think about the types of budgies you can handle. That will ensure a happy and healthy relationship with your new parakeet.

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