Parakeet Diet Guide: What to Eat, What Not to Eat & Why

The ideal diet for a parakeet should include a variety of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and fortified pellets. You also need to feed them vitamins, minerals, food supplements(sometimes), water, and treats on any occasion. Also, provide them with insects, pieces of bread, and small amounts of meat.

Parakeet owners should provide fresh fruits and vegetables daily to ensure proper nutrition. May also add a vitamin supplement to the parakeet’s diet to ensure that all their nutritional needs are there.

As a pet owner, I am also a parakeet enthusiast, which is why you’re reading my blog today. I’ve been keeping parakeets for about five years, and during that time, I learned a lot about their diet.

In this article, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about the parakeet diet, from what to feed them to what not to feed them. I hope you enjoy it!

Parakeet Diet

The Basic Parakeet Diet

 A diet for a parakeet should consist of the following: 

  • A good quality pellet food as the mainstay, about 60-70%, supplemented with 
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, about 20-30%, and 
  • A small number of seeds in the last 10-20%. 

The best parakeet pellets contain all the essential nutrients they need and consist of high-quality ingredients. The pellets should be clean and free of parasites. The fresh vegetables and fruits you offer your parakeet should be safe for them and free of pesticides. You should only give seeds in moderation as they are high in fat.

Basic Parakeet Diet Chart

Time of DayFood CategoryDescriptionRecommended PercentageServing Suggestions
Morning (7-9 AM)SeedsHigh-quality seed mix designed for parakeets.30-40%Provide daily in a separate dish.
Morning (7-9 AM)PelletsFormulated pellets for balanced nutrition.30-40%Mix with seeds or offer in a separate dish.
Mid-Morning (10-11 AM)Fresh VegetablesLeafy greens, carrots, bell peppers, etc.20-25%Wash thoroughly and chop into small pieces.
Afternoon (1-3 PM)Fresh FruitsApples, berries, bananas, etc. (No avocados or pits)5-10%Offer in small amounts, and remove uneaten portions.
Evening (5-7 PM)Protein SourcesHard-boiled eggs, cooked chicken, or cooked legumes.1-2 times per weekAttach to a cage or provide in a separate holder.
All DayCuttleboneNatural source of calcium and minerals.Always availableOffer in moderation, and monitor your bird’s weight.
Occasional TreatsTreatsMillet sprays, honey sticks, or commercial bird treats.OccasionalOffer in moderation, monitor your bird’s weight.
Please note that the specific feeding times may vary based on your parakeet’s habits and preferences. Some parakeets may prefer eating at different times of the day. Observe your parakeet and adjust the feeding schedule as needed. Ensure fresh water is available at all times, and clean the food and water dishes regularly.

Types of food for parakeets

You can offer a variety of foods to parakeets, including fresh vegetables and fruits, pellets, seeds, dried fruit, and nuts.

There is little restriction on the type of food your pet bird consumes. However, it is often helpful to offer them a varied diet as this will help ensure they get all the nutrients they need. Here are some examples of what types of food you should give to your budgies.

1. Fresh fruits

You can give your parakeet fresh fruits such as apples, mango, grapefruit, pears, bananas, oranges, watermelon, peach, papaya, passion fruit, cherry, and strawberries. Cut those into small pieces, so they are easy for them to eat. Give them various fruits regularly so that they feel energized eating the same kind of fruits daily.

  • Do not feed your parakeet processed foods – this will only harm them and make them sick in the long run. 
  • Instead, provide them with fresh fruits that are small enough for them to eat easily. 
  • And be sure to give fruit pieces daily – this will keep your pet happy and healthy.
Improved digestionFresh fruits contain fiber and other nutrients that can help support a parakeet’s digestive system. This can lead to better absorption of nutrients and regular bowel movements.
Increased hydrationMany fruits, such as watermelon and cantaloupe, are high in water content. Consuming these fruits can help a parakeet stay hydrated, particularly in dry environments or hot weather.
Boosted immunityFresh fruits contain various vitamins and minerals that can help support a parakeet’s immune system. This can help them fight off infections and diseases.
Enhanced nutritionIn addition to the vitamins and minerals mentioned above, fresh fruits also provide a source of protein, carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients. This can help a parakeet maintain a balanced diet and overall good health.
Improved mental stimulationParakeets are intelligent and social animals, and they can get bored easily if they don’t have enough mental stimulation. Offering fresh fruits as a treat can provide an interesting and stimulating activity for a parakeet, which can help prevent boredom and keep them engaged.

2. Insects

Insects like crickets, larvae, and mealworms are a good source of protein for your budgie. You can buy them online or at a pet store, but make sure to get live insects. You can also catch insects, but ensure they haven’t been exposed to pesticides.

Improved nutritionInsects are a natural part of a parakeet’s diet in the wild. They are a good source of protein, fat, and other essential nutrients. Adding insects to a parakeet’s diet can help ensure they get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Natural foraging behaviorIn the wild, parakeets would spend a significant amount of time foraging for food, including insects. Offering insects as part of their diet can help satisfy this natural foraging behavior and prevent boredom.
Dental health benefitsInsects can help keep a parakeet’s beak in good condition by providing natural chewing opportunities. This can help prevent overgrown beaks and other dental problems.
Variety in dietInsects can add variety to a parakeet’s diet, which can help prevent boredom and improve overall nutrition. In addition to being a good source of protein, insects can provide other essential nutrients not found in other types of food.
Environmental benefitsInsects are a sustainable and environmentally-friendly source of protein. They require less land, water, and other resources to produce than other types of protein sources, such as meat from mammals. By incorporating insects into a parakeet’s diet, you can help reduce the environmental impact of their food.

3. Seeds

budgie eating seeds

You can also give your parakeet seeds, such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, millet, canary grass, and oats. These should be stored in an airtight container and given small amounts (about 1/4 teaspoon) per day. Seeds are high in protein and essential nutrients, which will help keep your pet bird healthy.

Offer a high-quality seed mix that contains a variety of seeds. These seeds should make up most of your parakeet’s diet, providing a good source of protein, fat, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Natural dietSeeds are a natural part of a parakeet’s diet in the wild. They are a good source of protein, fat, and other essential nutrients. Offering a variety of seeds as part of a parakeet’s diet can help ensure they get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Convenient and easy to storeSeeds are easy to find and store, making them convenient for feeding parakeets. They can be purchased in bulk and stored for long periods of time without spoiling.
Dental health benefitsSeeds can help keep a parakeet’s beak in good condition by providing natural chewing opportunities. This can help prevent overgrown beaks and other dental problems.
Variety in dietSeeds come in various types and flavors, which can help add variety to a parakeet’s diet and prevent boredom. In addition to being a good source of protein, seeds can provide other essential nutrients not found in other types of food.
Environmental benefitsSeeds are a sustainable and environmentally-friendly source of nutrition for parakeets. They can be grown and harvested without the use of harmful chemicals, and they require less land, water, and other resources to produce than other types of protein sources.

4. Plants

You can also give your parakeet plants, such as fresh spinach, lettuce, or kale. Cut those into small pieces and give them in moderation (about 1 cup per week). Plants offer a healthy option for pet birds and help to provide fiber and other nutrients.

Be sure to mix up the types of food you give your bird, so they can enjoy eating the same things every day. This will help ensure they get all the nutrition they need and stay healthy.

Nutritional valuePlants can provide parakeets with important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Mental stimulationForaging for food and chewing on plants can provide mental stimulation for parakeets, helping to prevent boredom and related behavior problems.
EnrichmentEating plants can provide a sense of enrichment for parakeets, allowing them to engage in natural behaviors and enhancing their overall well-being.

5. Vegetables

You can also give your parakeet fresh vegetables and fruits. Include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, green beans, carrots, celery, etc. Cut those into small pieces to make them easier for the bird to eat.

You can also mix up the types of vegetables and fruits you offer your pet budgie. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for your parakeet’s health.

BroccoliHigh in fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion
CauliflowerIt provides a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system.
Brussels sproutsRich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C
Green beansLow in calories and high in protein, which can help support muscle growth and maintenance
CarrotsIt provides Vitamin A, which is important for healthy eyesight
CeleryHigh in water content, which can help keep your parakeet hydrated
Caution: It's important to note that vegetables should only be fed to parakeets as a supplement to their regular diet of pellets and seeds. They should not make up the majority of their diet.

6. Nuts

There are a few types of nuts that parakeets can eat. Cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, and macadamia nuts are all excellent options for your birds.

These nuts are high in energy and contain essential nutrients that help keep the parakeet healthy. In particular, these nuts provide the parakeet with essential minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.

CashewsIt can help improve the parakeet’s feathers and skin.
Brazil nutsProvide the parakeet with essential fatty acids, which can improve their immune system and overall health.
AlmondsIt can provide the parakeet with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
PeanutsIt can provide the parakeet with protein and healthy fats.
Pine nutsIt can provide the parakeet with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
Macadamia nutsIt can provide the parakeet with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
Cautions: It's important to note that all nuts should be given to parakeets in moderation, as they can be high in fat and calories. It's best to offer a variety of nuts, along with a balanced diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

7. Pellets

Pellets are a great way to give your parakeet the nutrition it needs. Offer a small number of fortified pellets and grains, such as cooked rice, pasta, and quinoa. These foods provide additional vitamins and minerals for their sound health.

Better overall nutritionPellets are specifically designed to provide parakeets with a balanced and complete diet.
ConveniencePellets are easy to store and feed, and most parakeets enjoy eating them.
Reduced risk of malnutritionBy feeding pellets as the primary part of a parakeet’s diet, bird owners can help prevent malnutrition.
Better overall healthA balanced and nutritious diet can help parakeets maintain good health and vitality.

8. Dry Fruit

You can also give your pet bird dried fruits, such as raisins, cranberries, cherries, apricots, etc. Be sure to store these foods in an airtight container to remain fresh. Dried fruit is a good snack for your bird and an important part of their diet.

9. Homemade Food

You can give your budgies a variety of safe, healthy homemade foods. Options include cooked plain or mashed potatoes, cooked plain pasta, beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, boiled egg, carrots, apples, peas, squash, zucchini, spinach, broccoli, cooked, cauliflower, corn, beets, bananas, quinoa rice, millet, oats, barley, and wheat. You must cook and mash all the food items before giving your bird.

  • Homemade food is often cheaper and more environmentally friendly than store-bought food.
  • These can also be tailored to the individual needs of your budgies, ensuring that they get the exact nutrients they need for their health.
  • Also, preparing homemade food for your budgies can be a fun and rewarding experience for you and your bird.

10. Grains

Grains are an essential part of a healthy diet for your budgies. The best types of grains to give to budgies are millet, oats, and canary seed.

Those are rich in fiber, iron, and calcium and provide good nutrition for budgies. Also, grains are high in fiber and protein and provide essential nutrients for your birds.

These grains are relatively inexpensive. That makes them an affordable option for feeding your budgies. Additionally, these grains can be mixed with other foods to provide variety and a balanced diet.

11. Treats

Budgies enjoy treats but only give them small amounts once or twice daily. Treats include millet spray, apples, pears, grapes, melon, carrots, cucumber, spinach, sweet potatoes, millet, oat grass, safflower, canary seeds, flavored seed sticks, and bird food pellets.

Avoid giving your budgie sugary and salty snacks, as these can be unhealthy. With these bird-safe treats, you can ensure your budgie stays healthy and happy.

12. Vitamins and Minerals

Budgies require a balanced diet that includes vitamins and minerals. You can find vitamins and minerals in grains, fruits, vegetables, bird food pellets, millet seed mix, etc.

A good budgie diet should contain at least the RDA of each nutrient and other beneficial nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health. You can give them mineral block also.

Remember to keep an eye on their beak size. If it is getting too big, they are probably overeating. If you notice that this isn’t the case, try reducing their food intake gradually over time.

So that you can determine if there is a problem with overeating in general or simply with one particular bird’s diet specifically.

Why Do Parakeets Feed Each Other?

Parakeets feed each other for a few reasons.

  • It’s a way of showing affection. When your parakeet nibbles at your finger, he’s actually trying to share his food with you, just like he would with another bird in his flock.
  • Feeding helps establish dominance within the flock. The bird who gets fed first is usually the one in charge.
  • By sharing food, birds can keep an eye on each other’s health and make sure everyone is getting enough to eat.
  • Feeding also strengthens the bond between birds and helps them feel safe and secure with each other.

How To Choose The Best Parakeet Food?

There are a few things you should keep in mind when choosing the best food for your parakeet.

  • Ensure the food is nutritionally complete and balanced.
  • It should contain all the vitamins and minerals your parakeet needs to stay healthy.
  • Choose a food that is specifically for parakeets.
  • Consider your parakeet’s individual preferences.
  • Some parakeets like certain foods more than others. So, it’s important to find food they’ll actually eat.
  • Some bird foods are suitable for multiple types of birds, but others are not.

How To Prepare Vegetables for Parakeets

Before feeding your parakeet a healthy diet, you must ensure that their vegetables are properly prepared. While some people may wash and chop their veggies, this isn’t always enough. Certain vegetables contain harmful toxins that can make your bird sick if not properly removed. To prepare your parakeet’s veggies:

  • Start by washing them thoroughly in water.
  • Soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water for about 15 minutes. This will help to remove any harmful toxins.
  • After soaking, rinse the vegetables with clean water and chop them into small pieces before serving them to your bird.

How Often and How Much Should You Feed Parakeets?

  • Parakeets should have a constant supply of fresh water and food.
  • The general rule of thumb is to offer 1/8 cup of seed per parakeet daily and 1 tablespoon of pellets per parakeet daily.
  • Also, you can offer your parakeets fresh vegetables and fruits daily. A
  • good mix of foods will give your parakeet the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Toxic Foods to Avoid in a Parakeet Diet

A few foods are toxic to parakeets, and you should avoid those at all costs. These include avocado, chocolate, onion, garlic, caffeine, tomato leaves, alcohol, salt, potato plants, and fatty foods. Avocado contains a toxin called persin which can cause respiratory problems in parakeets.

  • Chocolate contains theobromine which is poisonous to birds. 
  • Caffeine can also be harmful, and you should avoid it. 
  • Alcohol and salt can lead to dehydration, and you should not give those to parakeets. 
  • Fatty foods can cause liver problems in birds. So, avoid those too.


How long can a parakeet go without food?

A parakeet can go without food for up to two days. However, this is not ideal and can lead to a weakened immune system and other health problems. You should feed your birds daily as they are living creatures and show them that you care.

How much seed does a parakeet eat per day?

A parakeet typically eats between 1/8 and 1/4 cups of seed per day. Divide those into two feedings, one in the morning and one in the evening.
A parakeet should also have access to fresh fruits and vegetables as part of its diet. It is essential to provide a variety of foods to ensure your parakeet gets all the necessary nutrients it needs.

What do parakeets eat in the wild?

Parakeets eat wild seeds, berries, fruits, vegetables, and insects. They often forage in the early morning and late afternoon for food, eating whatever is available in the area.
This includes grasses and grains, buds and flowers, and small insects like caterpillars and spiders. They may also eat tree bark, leaves, and other vegetation. Parakeets need a balanced diet to stay healthy, so they should be given a variety of foods to eat.

What flowers do parakeets eat?

Parakeets cannot eat flowers that are poisonous to birds. While parakeets are mostly fed a commercial seed mix, they can also eat a variety of flowers and other plant-based foods.
Some flowers that parakeets can eat include clover, pansies, dandelions, daisies, sunflower seed petals, and nectar from flowering plants.

What is a Balanced Nutrition for my Parakeet?

A balanced nutrition for your parakeet should include a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, a fortified birdseed mix, and a calcium supplement. Fresh vegetables and fruits should make up about 25-30% of your parakeet’s diet.
Some great choices for vegetables and fruits include dark leafy greens, broccoli, apples, and pears. The birdseed mix should make up about 60-70% of their diet and consist of millet, sunflower seeds, and oats.
Lastly, a calcium supplement should make up 10-15% of your parakeet’s diet. This can come in the form of cuttlebone, which you can find in most pet stores. It is important to remember to provide fresh, clean water daily for your parakeet.

Can you overfeed a parakeet?

A parakeet’s diet should be balanced and include various food items to help with its health. Overfeeding your bird can lead to problems such as obesity, gastrointestinal issues, and even death. It is essential to feed your parakeet only what they will eat in a reasonable amount of time and never give them anything they cannot digest or choke on.


Thanks for reading! In this blog, I have discussed the basics of feeding parakeets and the different types of food you can feed them. I have also discussed how often and how much to feed parakeets and some toxic foods to avoid. Make sure to bookmark this page and return for fresh updates whenever there is new information to share.

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