12 Parakeet Illness Signs: What to Know and How to Help

Parakeets are among the most popular pet birds due to their beauty, intelligence, and ability to mimic human speech. As such, they require special attention and care.

At the same time, parakeets are relatively hardy and resilient but prone to health issues if you do not properly care.

I am also always careful about the health of my birds as a pet owner. Even then, the birds get sick occasionally, which is quite normal.

So, in this blog, I will tell you what I do for my bird’s health and how I know if my bird is sick or not so that you don’t worry about your loved one.

12 Signs of A Sick Parakeet

parakeet illness signs
parakeet illness signs

Like all pets, budgies can get sick from time to time. Knowing the signs of illness in parakeets is essential to keep them healthy and happy.

Some of the most common symptoms that your parakeet may be ill are droppings that are clumpy or watery, difficulty breathing, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and lack of appetite, vomiting yellowish droppings, and seizures.

1. Lethargy or loss of energy: If your parakeet appears listless or has little energy, it could indicate it’s not feeling well. Monitor its activity level closely and provide additional rest if needed.

2. Fluffed feathers: Parakeets usually fluff up their feathers when they’re cold or trying to stay warm. But, if your bird is fluffed up more than usual and isn’t responding to normal stimuli (such as food), it might indicate an underlying health issue. Also, patches of missing feathers on their body can indicate an underlying health problem affecting feather growth and health.

3. Abnormal droppings: Healthy droppings should appear firm with white urates (uric acid) on top. Watery or green-colored droppings could mean a viral infection or other digestive issues. However, abnormal droppings may contain blood or mucous, which could signal infection.

4. Change in appetite: A decrease in appetite may signify illness. Some illnesses will also cause increased hunger due to metabolic changes.

5. Loss of balance: If your bird seems unsteady on its perch or wobbles while walking around the cage, it might have an inner ear infection

6. Unusual vocalizations: Parakeets are known for their chirps and tweets. It could signify illness if these become softer, harsher, or absent altogether. So, pay attention to unusual vocalizations, such as chirping at odd times during the day.

7. Weight loss: If they seem listless or have lost weight significantly, that can occur due to decreased appetite but may also be a sign of other serious issues.

8. Change in behavior: Watch for sudden changes in your bird’s normal behavior that can indicate stress or illness. If you have a parakeet, be aware of the following changes in its behavior:

  • You will start to notice that your bird refuses to eat and seems lethargic.
  • Activity levels may decrease drastically, and they may begin making abnormal vocalizations.
  • If you see any of these signs, hurry to take your bird to the veterinarian ASAP, even if they appear healthy.

9. Feet or beak abnormalities: Swollen feet or crusty deposits on the beak or bald spots around the eyes and neck region can indicate infection and should be looked at by a vet.

10. Discharges or abnormalities: Discharge from the nose or eyes, abnormal breathing, lethargic behavior, and even paralysis can all be signs of severe conditions that require immediate medical attention.

11. Difficulty breathing: If you notice that your budgie is breathing heavily and has Difficulty breathing, it is essential to take him to a vet as soon as possible. Many of the Budgie breathing problems are easily treatable, but if not treated, they can lead to serious health issues for your bird. Some of the most common Budgie breathing problems include:

  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Pleurisy
  • Asthma

12. Feather loss: Budgies lose feathers during the winter and early spring, making them look sick and tired. They can lose feathers due to illness also. If you notice your budgie is losing excessive feathers, there are a few things you can do to help:

  • Provide enough food and water – Make sure your budgie has plenty of fresh food and water.
  • Bathe your bird – Bathing it regularly will help keep its feathers healthy and clean.
  • Trim the bird’s nails – Nails can become long and tangled, which can cause Feather loss. Trim them regularly to help keep them in good condition.

If you also see any symptoms like redness around the eyes and mouth; loss of appetite; coughing and drooling; tail bobbing; or change in breathing, go to a veteran immediately.

It is also a good idea to watch for signs of fungal overgrowths, such as weight loss, vomiting, or diarrhea. If in doubt, it is always best to bring your bird in for a check-up.

Common Illnesses of Parakeets

Parakeets are susceptible to various illnesses, although some are more common than others. The most common diseases of parakeets are respiratory infections, conjunctivitis (“pink eye”), parasites such as mites or lice, mycoplasmas, avian influenza, and parrot fever.

  • Respiratory infections: That can cause sneezing and coughing, difficulty breathing, tail bobbing, loss of appetite and energy levels, ruffled feathers, and discharge from the nose or eyes.
  • Conjunctivitis: This is an eye inflammation that causes redness around the eyeball and a yellowish-green discharge.
  • Parasitic infestations: That can cause itching and skin irritation which may lead to feather plucking; they also make your bird more vulnerable to secondary bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Mycoplasmas: This infection is caused by bacteria and is common in birds of all ages. If left untreated, mycoplasmas can cause death. The best way to prevent mycoplasma infection in your bird is to keep its habitat clean and disinfect it regularly.
  • Avian Influenza: This virus is highly contagious and causes severe respiratory illness in birds. It is commonly spread through coughing and sneezing. Your bird may show signs of sickness, such as labored breathing, lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. If you think your bird has avian influenza, contact a veterinarian immediately. Treatment involves antibiotics and rest.
  • Parrot Fever: This viral disease is caused by a virus found in the lower intestine of many birds, including parrots. Symptoms include high fever, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Parrot fever can treat with antibiotics and rest. 

If you notice any illness in your parakeet, immediately take them to an avian vet for diagnosis and treatment.

How Do You Treat a Sick Budgie?

If you see any signs of illness in your budgie, seek veterinary attention as soon as possible. The veterinarian will perform a physical examination and may take blood tests or other diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause of the illness.

  • Depending on the diagnosis, the veteran will include medication, dietary changes, cage rest, or environmental modifications as a treatment.
  • May prescribe antibiotics or anti-parasitic medications if your parakeet has an infection, such as respiratory disease or parasites.
  • The vet can recommend supplements for dietary modifications in cases of severe malnutrition or vitamin deficiency.
  • Your vet will also provide instructions for administering any medications that he prescribes. Follow those instructions closely to ensure effective treatment and recovery from illness.
  • Suppose your bird has been in contact with toxic chemicals or foods. In that case, it should not eat (such as avocados) and immediately get medical attention to help mitigate potential damage from these substances.

When to Seek Veterinary Care?

Some signs that indicate when you should seek veterinary care include:

  • Changes in appetite or droppings
  • Loss of balance or difficulty flying
  • Fluffed-up feathers with no signs of molting
  • Abnormal vocalizations such as coughing and sneezing
  • Discharge from eyes, nose, or mouth.

If you notice any of the above symptoms in your parakeet, contact an avian vet immediately. Early detection and treatment can help prevent serious illnesses and even save their life.

Can a Parakeet Heal Itself?

Parakeets have an incredible ability to heal themselves. While they are not immune to illness, their bodies can fight off certain diseases and conditions.

That is partly due to their natural immunity, which can bolster with a healthy diet and routine visits from your avian veterinarian.

Budgies can recover from minor illnesses such as a cold, reluctance to eat, or minor stomach aches. However, it is important to note that some conditions require professional medical attention, and you should not treat them with home remedies.

A visit to the vet is essential if you notice any signs of illness in your parakeet, as timely care can greatly improve the outcome of their condition.

Prevention Tips for Keeping Your Bird Healthy

Prevention is the best way to keep your parakeet healthy and happy. To prevent illness in your pet bird, provide a clean and safe environment for them. Here are some tips you can follow:

  • Ensure their cage is large enough to allow them to move around freely.
  • Change out their food and water daily and ensure there are no mold or mildew spores in either bowl.
  • Keep their cage away from drafts, smoke, fumes, open windows, or loud noises that could cause stress.
  • Clean the bottom of the cage once a week with warm soapy water; rinse well after cleaning, then dry completely before placing back into its spot.
  • If they start acting differently than usual (sleeping more during daylight hours or not eating as much), take note of any changes since these could be signs of an underlying health issue that needs attention right away.
  • If you think your bird may be sick, do not hesitate to take them to the veterinarian. Budgies are very susceptible to many diseases and require professional care if they are going to make a full recovery.


How can I make my parakeet feel better if it is sick?

There are a few things that you can do to make your parakeet feel better if it is sick.

1. Provide fluids, electrolytes, and food: Make sure to give your bird enough fluids, electrolytes, and food to help rehydrate and nourish it. Try to provide them with fluids and electrolytes, in particular, every time they seem thirsty or listless.
2. Take the bird to a vet: If it shows signs of dehydration or malnutrition, you may need to take it to a veterinarian. Vets can diagnose the illness and prescribe the bird the appropriate antibiotics.
3. Provide warmth and shelter: If your bird is feeling sick, provide warmth and shelter by covering it up with a warm blanket or warming its cage up a bit.

Can parakeets recover from sickness?

Most parakeets will recover from sickness if they receive the appropriate treatment from a veterinarian. However, some bird illnesses are more severe and may require hospitalization or intensive care.

Unfortunately, a parakeet can’t recover from sickness as quickly as a human. A parakeet’s immune system is not as strong as a human, and it cannot fight off many illnesses. If your parakeet gets sick, there is no shame in taking it to the vet for treatment.

Why is my parakeet’s beak brown and hard looking?

Brown beaks are a common sign of illness in parakeets. There are a few potential causes for this, and they include:

1. Deficiency in vitamin B12.
2. Lack of calcium.
3. Problem with the bird’s thyroid gland.
If your bird isn’t getting the proper amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, it will struggle to produce healthy beaks. Make sure to feed your bird a high-quality diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

How can I tell if my bird is sick?

There are a few signs that your bird may be sick, and you should take it to the vet if you notice any of them.

Some common symptoms of the illness include droopy feathers, lethargy or loss of appetite, poor water consumption, browning around the beak or eyes (indicating liver problems), and rapid weight loss.

If you think your bird is sick, always consult a veterinarian first to ensure that it is not something more serious.

Final Verdict

If you’re concerned about your parakeet’s health, read through this blog to learn how to tell if your bird is ill and what to do about it. In this post, I’ve discussed some common illnesses in parakeets and how to treat them.

I’ve also provided tips for keeping your bird healthy and preventing disease in the first place. Finally, I’ve explained when you should seek veterinary care for your parakeet.

Thanks for reading, and keep an eye on this website to learn more about your pet birds.

Parakeet Illness Signs
Parakeet Illness Signs Knowlege Graph

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