Should I Let Out My Parakeet Of Its Cage?

Parakeets, also known as budgies, are adorable pets. You can have a beautiful time with this pet watching in its cage. But you may need to realize that these birds need more than just a cage and a few toys to thrive. The truth is that parakeets need to get out of their cages periodically to stay healthy both physically and mentally.

If you want to know whether or not you should let your parakeet out of its cage, the answer is a resounding yes! Letting your parakeet out of its cage can improve its,

  • Physical and mental well-being
  • Relieve boredom and stress
  • Build trust with you
  • Provide opportunities for social interaction, enrichment, and natural behavior.

So, read on to find the top 10 reasons you should let your parakeet out of its cage and how to do it safely.

10 Reasons Why Need to Parakeet Out of Its Cage

Should I Let Out My Parakeet Of Its Cage?
Two parakeets seat on Perches

Parakeets are social birds, and regular interaction with you is important for their mental health. There are many benefits to letting your parakeet out of its cage. It would help if you considered this before you decide to do so. Here are 10 reasons why you should let your parakeet out of its cage:

1. Physical and Mental Exercise

Parakeets need physical exercise to stay healthy. Allowing them out of their cages enables them to fly around and stretch their wings and legs. That helps promote their physical well-being.

Getting out of the cage is also beneficial for their mental health. Allowing them to explore new places, sounds and sights helps stimulate their minds and encourages them to use their cognitive skills.

2. Relief of Boredom

Keeping a parakeet inside its cage all the time can lead to boredom and depression. That can lead to aggressive behavior or even encourage them to fight with other birds.

Your parakeet may benefit from interacting with other birds when they’re outside the cage. That could help improve their mood and make them less likely to act up inside the cage due to loneliness or boredom. So, getting outside the cage allows them to free up their minds.

3. Building Trust

Letting your parakeet out on occasion will help it to trust you. You are providing it with an opportunity to interact with you in a non-threatening way which helps build a bond of trust.

It will help strengthen your bond with them as they trust you more and look forward to spending time with you.

4. Keeping Good Health

Letting your parakeet out of its cage helps ensure they get plenty of fresh air and sunlight. That helps promote a healthy immune system and reduces the risk of illness.

It also gives them access to natural sunlight, which helps promote strong bones and good vision. As you know, artificial lighting alone is not enough for birds in captivity.

5. Young Parakeets to Learn

It’s especially important to let young parakeets out of their cages as they need time to explore and develop their skills. You have to do it in a safe, supervised environment to have more control over their activities.

Time spent outside gives the young an opportunity for cognitive stimulation, which improves learning capabilities and the overall quality of life.

6. Socialization

If your parakeet gets the chance to socialize with other birds, it can help to prevent it from becoming too solitary and withdrawn. It also helps them become more comfortable with humans and trust them.

When outside in an open area, parakeets can explore things that interest them, such as plants, shelves, flowers, or even other pets. That will help them to socialize more.

7. Safety

Another good reason to let your parakeet out is safety. If a bird is kept in its cage all the time, you have no idea what could be waiting for it when you open the door.

You can better monitor and protect your pet by allowing your parakeet to get used to the environment outside of its cage.

8. Cleanliness

Parakeets are naturally clean animals, so it’s essential to allow them to stay that way. Being stuck inside its cage all the time means it can easily become overrun with dirt and feathers. Letting them outside will enable them to take care of their own hygiene.

9. Releases Stress

Getting outside the cage can help to release any built-up stress or anxiety. That can help reduce the risk of mental health issues or behavioral problems.

Letting your parakeet out of its cage is a great way to keep it physically and mentally healthy. If you do it safely and with the right preparation, it can be enjoyable.

10. Enjoyment

Finally, getting out of the cage will give you and your parakeet a chance to have much more fun together. Thousands of bird owners worldwide make the most of their time with their birds by taking them on exciting outdoor adventures or playing fun, interactive games.

Your parakeet will love exploring and playing outside its cage for a few hours. It’s an excellent way for them to relax and let off some steam, plus it’s good for their overall well-being.

How To Take Your Parakeet Out of Its Cage?

How To Take Your Parakeet Out of Its Cage
Parakeet stand on the cage

If you need more clarification on the whole process, here are some steps that you can take to make sure your bird is safe, comfortable, and happy when taking it out of its cage.

  • Step no. 1: Secure the cage door by closing it tightly and ensuring the latch works properly. You don’t want your parakeet escaping while trying to get it out.
  • Step no. 2:  Place one hand on either side of the bird and gently lift your parakeet out of the cage. Keep your hands in contact with the bird as much as possible so that they feel secure. You can also use a perch or stick to help guide them out.
  • Step no. 3: Once outside the cage, continue to offer support with one hand under the wings and one hand supporting their tail feathers. That will help them feel more secure during the transition process.
  • Step no. 4: Make sure they remain calm and give them time to adjust before letting go completely. Place them somewhere comfortable such as a perch or stand, where they can explore without feeling overwhelmed or threatened.
  • Step no. 5: Finally, if you need to move your parakeet from one location to another, keep both hands in contact with them for maximum security and stability. No matter what type of transport container you are using for travel. Offer gentle words of encouragement during this time, but avoid scaring them with loud noises or sudden movements.

Following these steps will ensure that your parakeet gets the most out of its time outside the cage. Always practice safe handling methods and ensure they are comfortable before fully releasing them.

How Do I Get Them to Trust Me Outside of Their Cage?

When it comes to building trust between you and your parakeet, it’s all about patience and consistency. To get them used to going out of their cage, start by offering treats through the cage bars.

That will help them associate you with positive experiences. Once they are comfortable with this, move on to offering your hand for them to step onto as a bridge from their cage to you.

Offer soft words of encouragement and give them time to adjust at their own pace. If they still remain apprehensive, try spending time near the cage talking or singing softly so that they can get used to your presence without fear or anxiety.

When they seem more relaxed, try again by offering your hand and after some repetition. Then they might eventually trust you enough to come out of their cage if there are no sudden movements or loud noises that may scare them away again.

How To Keep a Parakeet Safe Out of Its Cage?

You should take several essential precautions to keep your parakeet safe outside its cage.

1. Close the Windows

The most important is to ensure that all openings and windows are closed and secured so your bird cannot escape. It’s also a good idea to create a barrier with furniture or other items around the area to limit its flying range.

2. Turn off the Electronics Items

Ensure that any cords, fans, or other objects that could cause harm to them are out of reach. Cover all the open foods and hot stoves and turn off any open flames.

3. Keep the Other Pets Aside

Predators like cats and dogs are very dangerous for birds if left unsupervised. Even your pet dog or cat can harm them out of their curiosity. So, keeping them in another room until your parakeet is done exploring is best.

4. Prepare a Playground

You should also provide plenty of toys and enrichment activities for them while they are outside the cage. This way, they won’t be tempted to fly away or become bored quickly.

Parakeets love things like swings, ladders, and bird perches which will help keep them entertained for hours. You can even provide items such as paper towel rolls with treats inside or make DIY bird feeders filled with nuts, seeds, or dried fruits.

5. Adjust the Temperature

Finally, ensure the temperature is comfortable for your bird before taking it out of its cage. A parakeet’s ideal temperature range is between 65- and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18-24 degrees Celsius). Keeping the bird’s environment within this range is essential to ensure its health and well-being.

How Do You Train a Bird to Get Out of Its Cage?

Training a bird to come out of its cage is a rewarding experience for both the bird and you. However, it’s important to approach the process gradually and positively. Here are some tips for training a bird to come out of its cage:

  1. Start by opening the cage door and placing a treat or toy just outside of the cage. That will encourage the bird to come out and explore.
  2. Once the bird becomes comfortable coming out of the cage for treats or toys, start placing the rewards further and further away from the cage. This will help the bird to become more confident in exploring its surroundings.
  3. Gradually increase the amount of time the bird spends out of the cage. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the time as the bird becomes more comfortable.
  4. Provide a safe and stimulating environment for the bird to explore. That can include perches, toys, and interactive activities to keep the bird engaged and entertained.
  5. Always reward the bird with treats or praise when it comes out of the cage. Never force the bird out of the cage or punish it for not coming out.
  6. Be patient and consistent in your training. It may take some time for the bird to become fully comfortable coming out of the cage. But with patience and positive reinforcement, the bird will eventually learn to enjoy and look forward to coming out of its cage.
  7. It’s important to note that different birds have different needs and personalities. So, the training process may vary depending on the species and individual bird. Also, you can train under the supervision of a professional bird trainer or avian veterinarian if you are unfamiliar with the bird’s behavior.

Do Birds Get Depressed in Cages?

Like other animals and humans, birds can experience various emotions, including depression. If a bird is kept in cages for prolonged periods may be at risk of developing depression as a result of a lack of stimulation and social interaction. It can be depressed by other factors, such as lack of natural sunlight, poor nutrition, and inadequate living conditions.

Symptoms of depression in birds include a lack of appetite, energy, interest in toys or activities, a lack of vocalization, and a lack of grooming. Birds may also become aggressive or self-destructive when they are depressed.

To prevent depression in birds, provide them with a stimulating and enriched environment. Provide them with a spacious cage, plenty of natural sunlight, and various toys and perches.

Interact with them regularly to motivate their behavior and improve their socialization.

Poor health also increases symptoms of depression. So regular veterinary check-ups are important to ensure that the bird’s physical health is not contributing to its mental well-being.

Is It Dangerous to Let a Parakeet Out of The Cage?

Letting your parakeet out of the cage is beneficial for their mental and physical health, but it can also be dangerous if not done correctly. You must take certain precautions before letting your parakeet out of its cage.

However, letting a parakeet out of its cage also comes with certain risks.

  • Parakeets are small and can quickly fly out of an open window or door.
  • They can also be vulnerable to predators such as cats and birds of prey.
  • Moreover, they may fly into mirrors, windows, or other hard surfaces, causing injury.

To keep a parakeet safe from harm when out of its cage, supervise them closely and ensure all possible escape routes are closed. Never leave your bird unsupervised; ensure that the area is well-ventilated but not too hot or cold.

Should You Let Budgies Out to Fly?

It is recommended to let budgies out to fly on occasion. You should allow them to fly and exercise to keep them healthy and happy.

If you are confident to let your budgies fly in a secure environment, then it is a great idea to provide them with this opportunity. Ensure the room is safe and the windows and doors are securely closed.

It would be best if you supervised them when outside the cage. So, don’t leave them alone, and always keep an eye on them. The ultimate goal is for them to be safe and have a great time.


How long should parakeets be out of their cage?

Parakeets should be allowed out of their cage for at least an hour daily. This is important for their physical and mental health, as it allows them to stretch their wings, exercise, socialize with other birds, and engage in activities.

In particular, parakeets have to get at least 10 minutes of flight time each day. That is important for developing strong and healthy flight muscles. Furthermore, parakeets are more active and vocal when they can get out of their cage. So, let them out as often as possible.

Is it cruel to keep a parakeet in a cage?

Keeping a parakeet in a cage can consider cruel if the cage is too small, dirty, or does not provide the bird with enough stimulation and opportunities for social interaction.

A minimum parakeet cage size will be at least 18 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 24 inches high. Additionally, you should furnish the cage with perches, ladders, swings, and other toys to keep the parakeet entertained.

If the parakeet is kept in a cage of appropriate size and has toys and enrichment activities, it can live a happy, healthy life.

When should I let my bird out of the cage?

The best time to let your bird out of the cage is in the morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are more relaxed. It also depends on various factors, like the bird’s species, age, overall health, and personality and behavior.

It’s important to do it gradually, provide a safe and stimulating environment, and supervise the bird at all times. It’s also essential to respect the bird’s preferences and have a professional or avian veterinarian evaluation before letting the bird out of the cage.

Should I leave my parakeet’s cage open?

No, leaving your parakeet’s cage open is not recommended. Parakeets are very social and curious birds, so they may venture outside their cage and become lost or injured. In addition, parakeets have the potential to be exposed to household dangers like toxic fumes, open flames, and sharp objects.

Thought in the End

Allowing your parakeet out of its cage is a great idea if done correctly. It provides physical and mental benefits for your birds which helps make them thrive and stay healthy.

But it is important always to supervise your bird and ensure that the area is safe and comfortable before letting them out. With the proper preparation, you can enjoy the company of your little parakeet and have a great time together.

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