[10 Things] What Do Parakeets Need in Their Cage?

Parakeets need a spacious cage, toys to play in, perches to sit, a ladder to exercise, a bell for entertainment, a food and water bowl to feed, a bathing bowl to bath, and overall adequate light and air to live a healthy life.

Parakeets are beloved pets among bird enthusiasts, providing hours of entertainment while singing and playing. To ensure your parakeet stays happy and healthy, creating the right environment in their cage is essential.

They are curious and playful birds, so it’s important to provide them with a place to sleep and various toys to keep them occupied. When I was a beginner, I bought a pair of parakeets and whatever I found in the pet store.

As a result, my birds get sick after a few days, and I have to take them to the veterinarian. After all the hassles, I thoroughly researched what I should include and shouldn’t include in the cage, and here is the result.

[10 Things] What Do Parakeets Need in Their Cage?

10 Things What Do Parakeets Need in Their Cage

A parakeet’s cage should be big enough to allow the bird to fly its wings and play and have perches for the bird to hang out and socialize.

If you consider getting a parakeet, you must know what accessories they need in their cage. A properly outfitted cage can provide your bird with the space and amenities required for a long and healthy life.

1. Bedding

The best bedding for parakeets is made of natural materials. That includes wood shavings, shredded newspaper, or shredded paper towels. These materials are comfortable for your parakeet, provide insulation from the cold, and absorb liquid.

  • It’s also essential to avoid bedding with too much dust, as it can irritate your parakeet’s respiratory system.
  • It’s also essential to choose materials that your parakeet will not ingest. You should avoid materials such as cotton or loosened thread which can swallow and cause digestive issues.
  • It’s also essential to keep it clean. You should change the parakeet’s bedding regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria and mites.
  • Finally, ensure you provide your parakeet with a cozy spot to sleep. A small box or nest with a warm blanket or towel can help keep your parakeet comfortable and their mental stimulation high.

2. Cover

Parakeets need to be covered at night because they are naturally diurnal animals. They are most active during the day and sleep at night.

  • If a parakeet is left uncovered at night, it can become confusing and stressed, leading to health issues.
  • Covering their cage at night helps reduce the amount of light and noise in the area and helps your parakeet feel safe and secure so that it can sleep peacefully.
  • When it’s cold outside, your parakeet’s feathers will not be able to keep him warm. So, cover them in cold weather.
  • Accordingly, covering your parakeet at night can help keep him healthy and happy.

3. Toy

Any parrot species love toys. Toys are necessary for their recreation, and those will keep them busy for hours. Before getting any toys, remember that budgies will chew all the toys.

So, you should avoid plastic, cotton, and toys with loose threads because those will get to their stomach and raise health issues. Climbing, chewing, swinging, and exploring toys are their favorite categories of toys.

They love swings, Wooden ladders, rope toys, etc., that you will easily find in any pet store. Make sure those are non-toxic, hygienic, single or multifunctional, and your budgies can climb and hold to them.

4. Treat & Food

Nutritious foods and occasional treats make budgies happy and help to expand their life span. Before giving them treats, it’s safe to consult a veterinarian first.

Budgies like to eat almost everything, like bananas, raisins, apples, melons, mangoes, and all varieties of grapes, after removing their pits and many vegetables. Parakeets enjoy treats high in protein, such as cooked eggs, beans, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Parakeets also enjoy millet, canary seed, and vegetable-based treats.

Limiting the number of treats a parakeet has is important, as too many treats can cause them to become overweight. Feeding parakeets fresh water daily is also vital for their health and well-being.

5. Bath

Budgies, or budgerigars, do not need regular baths, but they may enjoy the occasional shower. Bathing is not essential to their well-being, but it can help keep their feathers clean and healthy. Use lukewarm water and a shallow dish if you bathe your budgie.

Make sure not to get water in their nostrils or eyes. Be sure to provide your budgie with a safe place to dry off afterward. Furthermore, budgies like to take dust baths, which helps keep their feathers in good condition. For this, provide them with a shallow dish filled with chinchilla dust.

6. Mirror

Parakeets are smart birds and remember their owner and other birds. But, unfortunately, they can’t recognize them in the mirror. They think that the reflection is another bird. So, they are attached to it, which can lead to behavioral problems.

They become obsessed with the reflection, which psychologically damages them. If you remove the mirror, they will feel lonely and depressed.

So, instead of getting a mirror, you should get another bird for its companion. It will bond with another bird and make a pair. That is purely natural and good for them.

7. Perches

Many bird cages come with perches, but providing your parakeet with plenty of high-quality perches is essential. Make sure the perch is sturdy and has a comfortable grip. Provide several types of perches so your pet can choose which one best suits their needs.

Budgies like to climb and explore, so make sure they have plenty of opportunities to do this safely. Provide them with natural, wooden, and unpolished perches with a lot of texture. It will help their feet to get a good grip and exercise.

8. Food and Water Dishes

All parakeets need food and water dishes. The dish should be big enough so your bird can sit or perch in it but not too big that they cannot put their beak inside. Water dishes should have a hole in the bottom and be made of durable material so your pet doesn’t accidentally tip them over.

Avoid plastic bowl as it grows bacteria too quickly. Stainless steel bowls are the best choice for food and water bowl. Remember to clean them regularly, change the water daily, and change the food every other day.

9. Heater

Budgies are warm-weather birds. So, if you live in cooler weather, keeping your budgies warm in winter is very important. If your bird cage is near the window, always close it at night or when the strong wind blows.

You can use a blanket to cover the cage at night to prevent cold. Also, it will lock the heat and keep the budgies warm. You can also use bird-friendly infrared heating lamps available in pet stores.

To do this, get a small heater that emits heat and place it inside the cage. Make sure the heating unit is set at a comfortable temperature for your pet.

10 Humidifiers

Humidifiers help increase the room’s temperature and add moisturizer to the air. They prevent dry skin and the dandruff of the feather. Also, they keep the bird’s respiratory system healthy. Ultrasonic humidifiers are suitable for budgies as they have a bigger water tank.

Do not keep the humidifier inside the cage or near the cage. It can cause an unwanted accident and make the birds uncomfortable by overheating.

An ideal birdcage should also have the following:

Sleeping Area: Make sure your parakeet has a place to sleep in its cage. The bird may become frustrated and behave abnormally if you don’t provide it. Place a soft, safe bedding material in the cage and put the bird on it at night to relax.

Play Area: Birds need plenty of physical activity to keep them stimulated and happy. Provide your parakeet with different toys, perches, and climbing structures so it has something fun to do all day. Try to keep the play area open; one bird should have plenty of space without feeling crowded or claustrophobic.

What Should You Avoid including in a Parakeet Cage?

A parakeet cage is essential to provide your parakeet with a safe and healthy environment. It is important to consider what you include in the cage and what you should avoid to ensure your parakeet’s well-being. Here are some things to avoid when setting up your parakeet’s cage:

Small cage: Small birdcages are cheaply made, and birds cannot stretch their wings. As a result, they get stressed and cramped. So, try to invest in a bigger cage, and your birds will be happy with it.

Dowel Perches: It comes with almost every cage. It is smooth and has no texture. Your budgies have to grip it, putting extra pressure on their feet, and it will cause pressure sores or bumblefoot on their feet. It also can lead to arthritis in the birds because birds can’t exercise their feet properly with this kind of perch.

Sand Perches: Sand perches or sand perch cover is rough for their feet. They can get little cuts on their feet, leading to injury. So, avoid this and use natural wood perches with a lot of texture.

Sharp Objects: Parakeets are exceptionally playful and love to fly around most of the time. So avoid sharp objects in the cage, like metal wires, wood, or sharp edges. These can cause injury to your parakeet if it gets caught in them or scratches itself on them.

Small Toys: Parakeets love to play with toys and can become easily entangled in anything small or thin. Avoid putting any small toys or objects in the cage that could potentially be swallowed or cause harm to your parakeet.

Cotton rope toys: Cotton rope toys are made with loose cotton or fabrics. So, your birds can easily chew and swallow, making them sick. Try to get natural rope toys like jute toys.

Fabric huts: Though they look cute, birds are nesting or sleeping in happy huts, but it is harmful to them if it’s made of fabrics. It can cause egg binding or other problems for female birds. So, if you need a hut, try to get a natural rope one, also available in pet stores.

Toxic Chemicals: Parakeets are very sensitive to chemicals and fumes. That is also applicable to bird shampoo as it contains chemicals. It can hurt your parakeet’s eyes, and they breathe the chemical that will raise medical issues. So avoiding toxic chemicals in the cage, such as paint or cleaning products, is also essential.

Plastic Parts: Parakeets often chew on plastic parts, so avoiding anything made of plastic in the cage is essential. So, you should avoid plastic food or water bowl as they can quickly become infected with bacteria. That also includes plastic toys, perches, and other items.

Loose Objects: Loose objects, such as paper or coins, can be ingested by your parakeet and cause serious health problems. Be sure to avoid having any loose things in the cage.

It is important to consider what you include in your parakeet's cage and what you should avoid to ensure your parakeet's health and safety. By avoiding these items, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your parakeet.

Do Parakeets Need a Nest in Their Cage?

Yes, parakeets need a nest in their cage for several reasons.

  • A nest gives parakeets a sense of security, a place to rest, and a place to lay eggs if they are breeding.
  • It also helps them to feel comfortable and secure in their environment.
  • You should make the nest from natural materials such as twigs, grasses, or feathers. Also, place it in the corner of the cage to give the parakeet a sense of privacy.
  • The nest should also be placed at a comfortable height, not too high or low. It should be easily accessible to the parakeet.
  • Additionally, the nest should be spacious enough to accommodate the parakeet and allow them to move around comfortably.
  • Keep an eye that the nest is not catching any droppings as this can be unhealthy for the parakeet and will also impede hygiene.

Where Is the Best Place to Put a Parakeet Cage?

  • The best place to put a parakeet cage is in an area of your home that is quiet, well-ventilated, and has plenty of natural light.
  • Avoid placing the cage in direct sunlight, near drafts, air conditioning vents, or a fireplace.
  • Parakeets should also have plenty of room to fly around their cage, so ensure the cage is placed in an area with ample space to fly.
  • The area should be away from cats, dogs, and other animals that may startle your parakeet.
  • Finally, it is vital to ensure the cage is away from loud noises, such as TVs, stereos, and other sound sources.

What Do Parakeets Like the Most?

These tiny birds like to be kept in large enough cages to fly, perch, and sleep in. Providing them with what they love most is essential as a pet owner.

  • Parakeets are social creatures that enjoy interacting with their owners.
  • They like to be around people, explore their environment, and play with toys.
  • They also enjoy a variety of treats, including millet, fresh fruits and vegetables, and nuts.
  • Parakeets are fond of bird-safe toys such as mirrors, ladders, swings, and bells.
  • They also appreciate being allowed to bathe, which helps keep their feathers healthy and bright.
  • Finally, parakeets love being talked to in a friendly, gentle voice, as it helps them bond with their owners.

What Should I Put at The Bottom of My Parakeets Cage?

You should use absorbent and easy-to-clean material at the bottom of your parakeet’s cage. Examples of suitable materials are paper towels, newspapers, or other paper-based bedding. Avoid using cedar chips or sawdust, as they irritate your bird’s respiratory system.

It would be best if you avoided any bird litter in the bird cage. Observing its droppings is one of the best ways to discover your bird’s signs of illness.

Bird litter will absorb all the droppings, and it’s tough to find out the droppings. Moreover, using wood shavings or walnut shells as litter will be a breeding ground for bacteria and molds.


How often should I change my parakeets’ water and food?

Keeping your parakeets’ water and food dishes clean and fresh is essential. You should change their water every day and their food every other day.
Moreover, it is important to thoroughly clean their food and water dishes with a mild soap solution once a week. Be sure to rinse them well after cleaning and dry them thoroughly before refilling them with fresh food and water.

Do I Give Parakeets Grass to Eat?

Many people believe that wild budgies eat grass because they are deficient in other essential nutrients, but this is not the case.
The grass is an important part of a parakeet’s diet because it provides them with essential vitamins and minerals, including fiber which helps to keep them healthy and satisfied.
Also, grass helps clean their beaks and nails and regulate their body temperature.

What Kind of Cage Do Parakeets Need?

Parakeets need a cage at least 18″ x 14″ x 22″ and are made of a material that won’t rust or chip. Plastic and the oval-shaped cage are harmful to budgies. So, a good quality wrought iron or stainless steel. You will need a larger cage if you have a pair of budgies or a flock of them.
The bar spacing should not be more than 1/2″ apart, as parakeets are small birds that could get stuck in larger spaces. Ensure the cage has horizontal bars so the bird can climb up and down.


Now that you know everything budgies need in their cage, it’s time to start. I have discussed the things budgies love the most, along with the best place to put their cage and some items you can put at the bottom of the cage to make it more comfortable for your pet. Make sure to check out our website for more helpful tips on taking care of your pet parakeet.

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