Why Are My Parakeets Fighting: The Cause & Solutions

As social creatures, parakeets usually enjoy the company of their fellows and get along well together. So, it’s understandable that you might be concerned if you see your parakeets fighting.

There are several reasons why parakeets might fight, including territorial disputes, mate selection, or simple personality conflicts.

Knowing the reason for the fighting can help you take steps to resolve the issue and keep your feathered friends happy.

Do Parakeets Fight Each Other?

Yes, parakeets do fight each other. This territorial behavior is often the result of one bird feeling threatened or insecure. A parakeet may fight with another bird to protect its nesting area, food, toys, and perches.

8 Reasons Why Parakeets Are Fighting

Why Are My Parakeets Fighting

When it comes to parakeets, there are a lot of things that can cause fighting. However, there are 8 main reasons why they might start fighting.

1. Their natural habitat

Parakeets are flock animals and live in large groups in the wild. When kept as pets, they often don’t have enough space to spread their wings and fly around, leading to frustration and aggression.

If your parakeet is fighting with another bird, try giving them more space by adding another perch or two in their cage.

2. Lack of social interaction

When parakeets are not given enough attention, they can become bored and restless, leading to fighting. Parakeets are social creatures and need regular interaction with their owners to stay happy and healthy.

If you notice your parakeets fighting more than usual, it could signify they are not getting enough social interaction.

Try spending extra time with your parakeets daily, talking to them, playing with them, and offering them treats. This will help keep their content and prevent fighting.

3. Incorrect diet

A balanced diet is essential for keeping parakeets healthy and happy, and if they’re not getting the proper nutrients, they can become agitated and aggressive.

If you’re noticing your parakeets fighting more than usual, look at their diet and see if anything needs to be adjusted. They should be eating a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality pellets, and some seeds. Make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.

If you’re unsure what diet your parakeet needs, talk to a veterinarian or avian specialist who can help you. With the proper diet, your parakeets should return to their usual selves quickly!

4. Poor sleeping habits

One of the reasons your parakeets might be fighting is that they are not getting enough sleep. Poor sleeping habits can lead to all sorts of problems, including aggression.

Make sure your parakeets have a dark, quiet place to sleep. Getting the rest they need will be difficult if they are constantly exposed to light and noise.

If your parakeets might suffer from poor sleeping habits, try changing their environment and see if that makes a difference.

5. Stress

Stress can be a significant contributor to why parakeets fight. There are many reasons why parakeets may be feeling stressed, such as

  • if they are not getting enough attention from their owner,
  • Not getting enough exercise.
  • They are not getting enough sleep.
  • If there is a loud noise or another animal in the room.

If parakeets experience any of these things, it can make them feel scared or anxious, which can cause them to start fighting with other parakeets.

6. They fight over food

There are several reasons why parakeets might fight over food. For one, they may be hungry and see food as a limited resource. If there is only one piece of food, they may fight to get it.

Additionally, they may have different preferences for what kinds of food they like and may fight over who gets to eat the more desirable items.

Finally, if one bird has been fed more than the other, the bird with less food may become aggressive to get more.

7. They are hormonal

If two males live together, they may compete for dominance and territory. This can lead to aggression and fighting. Hormonal imbalances can also cause females to become aggressive.

If your parakeets seem to be fighting more than usual, it might be worth having them checked by a vet to see if there is a hormonal issue.

8. When the mating mode 

They are simply trying to establish dominance over each other. In the wild, the dominant bird gets first access to food and mates, so it’s instinctual for them to want to be the top bird. If you have two males, they will likely fight more often than if you have one male and one female.

6 Ways How to Stop Parakeets from Fighting

When parakeets fight, it’s usually because they’re trying to establish dominance over each other. If you have two parakeets fighting, you’ll need to stop the fighting and prevent it from happening again.

There are a few things you can do to stop your parakeets from fighting:

1. Establish a dominant hierarchy

You can do a few things to establish a dominance hierarchy and stop your parakeets from fighting.

  • First, ensure that you have enough perches and toys in the cage so the birds can have their own space and not feel like they must compete for resources.
  • Second, give each bird a daily dose of vitamin B, which will help reduce aggression.
  • Third, keep the cage clean and debris-free so that the birds feel comfortable and aren’t constantly fighting over territory.
  • Finally, make sure to spend time with your birds daily so that they know you’re the alpha in the relationship, and they’ll be less likely to try to assert dominance over each other.

2. Give each bird its own space

It’s essential to give each bird its own space to prevent fighting. This can be done by providing each bird with its perch, nest box, and food and water dishes.

Giving each bird plenty of toys and other objects is essential to keep it entertained and occupied. Doing this will help reduce the chances of your birds getting bored and picking fights with one another.

Or you can give each bird space to provide perches at different levels. This way, the birds can choose their story and not feel like they’re being crowded.

3. Keep them occupied with toys and activities

It’s essential to keep your parakeets occupied with toys and activities to help prevent fighting. Here are a few ideas:

  • Provide them with perches of different sizes and textures to encourage exercise and discourage aggression.
  • Offer a variety of toys, including ones that promote preening and chewing, to keep their beaks busy.
  • Hang a mirror in their cage so they have a friend to socialize with.
  • Regularly introduce new toys and change up the placement of existing ones to keep them stimulated.

4. Don’t let them get too stressed

If your parakeets seem to be fighting more than usual, they may be stressed. There are a few things you can do to help them relax.

  • Try to keep their environment as calm as possible. Avoid loud noises and sudden movements. If you have other pets, ensure they’re not bothering the parakeets.
  • Make sure you’re spending enough time with your parakeets. Spend some time every day handling them and talking to them.
  • Regularly change their coop, cage, and toys to keep it interesting for them.

5. Try using positive reinforcement

Regarding bird behavior, sometimes positive reinforcement is the key to success. For example, if you have two parakeets fighting, you may be able to stop the fighting by giving one of the birds a special treat when it behaves well. This will help the bird associate good behavior with something positive and may help stop the fighting altogether.

6. Train them to perform tricks

If you’re looking for ways to get your parakeets to bond, one option is to train them to perform tricks together. This can be a fun activity for you and your birds, and it’s a great way to get them working together as a team. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

  • Choose a trick that you think would be fun for your parakeets to learn and that they can do together. Some possibilities include flying through hoops, perching each other’s shoulders, or playing tag.
  • Start by teaching one bird the trick, and then have the other bird watch. Once the first bird has mastered the trick, it will be easier for the second bird to learn by imitation.
  • Practice the trick in short intervals, gradually increasing the time you spend practicing.
  • Be patient. Don’t expect your birds to master a new trick overnight. Allowing them to work at their own pace will help them learn more quickly and efficiently.

Why Do Parakeets Fight at Night?

Parakeets fight at night because they’re fighting for dominance. This isn’t always a bad thing, as it can be a way to establish a hierarchy and train the birds properly.

However, the fights can be disruptive and sometimes harmful to the birds. Solutions for resolving parakeet fights include:

  • Establishing a hierarchy.
  • Training your birds properly.
  • Using products that help reduce stress in the home.

Prevention is always better than the cure, so keep your parakeet healthy by providing proper nutrition and environment.

Can Parakeets Kill Each Other?

Can Parakeets Kill Each Other

Fighting each other is not uncommon, but these skirmishes sometimes result in severe injury or death. This might happen if one bird is significantly larger than the other and uses its size to bully or intimidate the smaller bird. This can result in the smaller bird becoming injured or even killed.

Another reason is the aggression of your birds. Aggression is one of the most common behavioral problems seen in pet parakeets.

At the same time, it may seem harmless fun when two parakeets are playing around and wrestling. Aggression can lead to severe consequences.

Aggressive behavior can lead to serious injury or even death if left unchecked. Parakeets have been known to kill each other when fighting.

In addition to the risk of physical harm, aggression can also lead to emotional distress. Parakeets constantly fighting each other can become stressed and anxious, impacting their health.

How Can You Prevent Parakeet Aggression?

When it comes to parakeet aggression, you can do a few things to try and prevent it.

  • First, make sure that you provide your parakeets with plenty of space. If they feel cramped or like they’re being crowded, it can lead to aggression.
  • Secondly, try to keep their environment as stable as possible. Too much change can also be a trigger for aggression.
  • Lastly, could you pay attention to their body language? If you see signs that they are getting agitated, try to diffuse the situation before it leads to violence. Taking these steps can help reduce the risk of parakeets turning on each other.


Are parakeets territorial?

Parakeets are territorial by nature and will fight for the right to occupy a space in which they feel safe. This includes their cage, perch, or owner’s shoulder.
Some birds will be more aggressive than others regarding territorial disputes, so consider this before you set up your home with parakeets. If you have several birds that live together in one area of the house, be sure to provide them with appropriate spaces where they can fly freely without causing conflict.

Are female or male parakeets more aggressive?

Female parakeets are more aggressive than male parakeets. The female bird is fighting for breeding rights and may be territorial. Male parakeets usually aren’t as territorial and may join in the fights to display their dominance to other males.

Why are my parakeets suddenly fighting?

There are a few potential causes of parakeet fighting. One is when one bird feels threatened and lashes out to protect itself. Another possibility is the birds fighting over food or perch spots. If you notice that your birds have frequently engaged in territorial disputes, investigate the reasons behind them.

Why do my parakeets fight over food?

It could be that the parakeets are not receiving the protein they need in their diet. To see if this is the case, try adding bird food with a higher protein content to their diet. If the parakeets still fight over the food, it might be time for you to take them to a professional bird rehabilitator.

Is it normal for parakeets to fight?

Yes, parakeets often fight. Territoriality is why these birds may become aggressive toward one another. However, this behavior can be remedied by purchasing the bird’s different toys or trying to separate them.


This is a common problem that parakeets face when they are nesting. Hormonal imbalances can also play a significant role in the cause of territorial aggression in parrots

Thus, monitoring your pet’s behavior and caring for them well is essential to ensure their mental health and well-being.

If you have additional questions about territorial aggression in parakeets or how to solve the problem, please ask us by commenting below.

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