8 Reasons Why Are My Parakeets So Loud in the Morning

Do you ever wake up to the sound of your parakeets chirping away in the morning? If so, you may be wondering why they’re so noisy.

While it’s true that parakeets are known for being relatively vocal birds, there are a few reasons why they might be extra loud in the morning.

So in this blog post, we’ll explore the potential reasons why your parakeets might be excessively vocal in the morning and how to stop them.

Are Parakeets Loud in the Morning?

Yes, parakeets can be pretty noisy when they wake up in the morning. This is probably because they are trying to get their bearings and find food or water. Try setting a timer for 30 minutes before you leave for work so that the birds will have some time to calm down before you arrive.

Why Are My Parakeets So Loud in the Morning

8 Possible Reasons Why Parakeets Are So Noisy in the Morning

It’s 7 am, and your parakeet is already chirping away. Why are they so noisy in the morning? There could be a few reasons. Maybe they’re hungry and want you to hurry up and feed them. Or perhaps they just enjoy the sound of their voice. Here are 8 possible reasons your parakeet makes so much noise in the morning.

1. Greeting the day

Parakeets are social creatures and may greet their humans as they begin the day. They may also be excited about starting their day and getting to eat and play. Additionally, dawn is when many wild birds start singing, so your parakeet’s instinct may be to join in the chorus. Singing or Chirping Parakeets can make many different sounds, including chirps and whistles. Parakeets sing or whistle when happy, but this may also signify hunger.

2. they are hungry and want breakfast

One possibility is that they’re hungry and want breakfast. Parakeets typically eat small meals several times a day, so it’s not surprising that they’d be ready for some food first thing in the morning. If your bird isn’t used to being fed early in the day, it may start making a racket to let you know they’re ready for breakfast.

3. Parakeet Trying to attract a mate

Parakeets have solid reproductive urges and will go to great lengths to find a partner, as any other animal species. One of the most common ways parakeets try to attract a mate is through singing.

In the wild, male parakeets will sing loudly to try and court a female. While this behavior may be annoying to some people who live with parakeets, it’s important to remember that it’s just their way of trying to find love.

There are other ways that parakeets try to attract mates as well. They may strut around their cage or perch, displaying their feathers to look their best.

Some parakeets may also start chewing on toys or other objects more frequently when looking for a mate because they’re trying to imitate the nesting behavior that’s so important to females.

4. Responding to environmental stimuli

If you think your parakeet’s noise is due to environmental stimuli, try to determine what might be causing it. If there are other birds in the area, try to keep them away from your parakeet’s cage.

If there are loud noises outside, you might want to close the windows or move the cage to a quieter location.

5. They are trying to get your attention

Your parakeet may be noisy in the morning because they are trying to get your attention. If you typically feed them or let them out of their cage in the morning, they may start making noise as a way to remind you.

Another possibility is that they are seeking attention from other birds. If there are other birds outside that they can see, they may start making noise as a way to communicate with them.

6. Could be sick or in pain

They could be sick or in pain and trying to communicate this to you. If your bird is acting lethargic, not eating or drinking, or its droppings are hard and dry, it could be a sign that they are sick. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Bird care is an ongoing and often challenging task. There is a lot of information on the Internet, but it can be challenging to figure out what you should believe.

7. they are scared or anxious about something

As social creatures, parakeets are known to get anxious when they feel like they’re not getting enough attention. If you notice your parakeet acting noisy in the morning, it could be because they’re feeling ignored and are trying to get your attention.

Another possibility is that they’re scared or anxious about something in their environment. This could be anything from a new piece of furniture in the room to a change in the bird’s routine.

If you think your parakeet’s noise is due to fear or anxiety, try to identify what might be causing it and take steps to make them feel more comfortable.

8. It could just be their natural behavior

Parakeets are social creatures, and in the wild, they spend their mornings chirping and flying around in groups. This behavior is instinctive and helps them stay connected to their flock.

In captivity, parakeets may not have as many opportunities to socialize, so they may use morning chirping as a way to remain related to their human companions.

How Do I Stop My Parakeets from Being Loud?

If you have ever been woken up by the sound of your parakeets chirping, you know how annoying it can be. Luckily, you can do a few things to reduce the noise. Here are 5 ways to stop your parakeets from being loud:

1. Get your parakeet used to human interaction

The more time you spend around your new feathered friend, the more comfortable they’ll become with your presence. Try sitting near their cage and talking to them in a soft voice. You can also offer them treats through the cage bars to help them associate you with something positive.

2. Provide plenty of toys and activities

If you want to keep your parakeets from being too loud, ensure they have plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied. Parakeets are very active birds and need stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

Providing your parakeet with various toys is important, so they don’t get bored. Some good toy options include bird ladders, swings, mirrors, and chew toys. You should also rotate the toys every few weeks to keep your bird interested.

In addition to toys, make sure your parakeet has plenty of space to fly around and explore. A small cage will only frustrate them and increase their noise level. Give them at least 4 hours out of their cage each day so they can stretch their wings and get some exercise.

3. Train them with positive reinforcement

One way to stop your parakeets from being loud is to train them with positive reinforcement. This means rewarding them when they make little or no noise.

You can give them a treat, such as a small piece of fruit, when they are quiet. Over time, they will learn that they will get a reward if they make less noise.

Another way to use positive reinforcement to train your parakeets is to create a quiet area in your home where they can go to get away from the noise. This could be a corner of their cage or a special perch in another room.

If they spend time in this area and stay quiet, give them a treat as a reward. They will eventually learn that being quiet leads to getting rewards.

4. Change up their routine

The best way to reduce parakeets’ noise is to change their routine. By doing this, you will help keep them calm and quiet.

Here are some things you can do to change up your parakeets’ routine:

  • Move their cage to a different location in your home.
  • Change the type of food or toys you give them.
  • Let them out of their cage more often.
  • Spend more time training or playing with them each day.
  • Take them on regular trips outside of the house.

5. Make sure they’re getting enough sleep

Loud parakeets can be a nuisance to everyone in the household, especially if they’re kept up late at night. To help your feathered friends get a good night’s sleep, follow these five tips:

  • Make sure their sleeping quarters are dark and quiet. This means keeping the cage away from windows or doors where outside noise can disturb them.
  • Provide them with plenty of soft bedding material to snuggle into. This could be anything from shredded paper to cotton balls.
  • Keep the temperature in their room on the cooler side, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Consider playing soothing music or white noise in their room to help them drift off to sleep.
  • Don’t let them play too late at night. Like people, birds need a good night’s sleep to be their best the next day. So keep your feathered friends happy and healthy by helping them get plenty of restful sleep.


When Do Parakeets Make Noise?

Most parakeets make noise around the morning and early afternoon hours. This is when they are vocalizing and exchanging vocalizations with other parakeets in the area. This noise usually peaks around 10 am to 12 pm. However, the noise can be heard anytime during the day, depending on the parakeet’s mood and energy level.

Do you think a parakeet is too loud for an apartment?

No, parakeets are very vocal when they need to be, and their noise levels usually drop off during the night. If you have a bird that makes too much noise, try playing soothing music or white noise in the room to help them get tired and drift off to sleep.

How Loud Are Parakeets?

When a parakeet vocalizes, the noise can be heard up to 50 feet away. However, the average parakeet vocalization is around 30 decibels. This means that the bird speaks at a volume about three times lower than normal conversation and 70% louder than a vacuum cleaner.


As you can see, there are several solutions to this problem. And it would be best if you kept all these tips in mind when trying to raise happy and healthy parakeets.

One thing is sure, though: if the stress continues for too long, your pets might stop producing offspring.

So, keep calm and get started with some quieting procedures soon.

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